How I Said Goodbye to Coach Badass and Hello to Coach Goodass.

in #health6 years ago

01 - From Coach Badass to Goodass.png

What I realised from 12 years of coaching clients from all over the world especially at the beginning of my coaching journey was that clients show up, I worked hard on them and then they disappear, no closer to their goals.

Then I’d scramble to find another client and the process repeats. I couldn’t help but think what was wrong. Was it my coaching, was it my clients, was it something else? One thing, it is not because people are “lazy” or “unmotivated”.

I discovered and realised it was my own ‘coach talk’. I wanted to achieve better and faster results for my clients so I needed to talk to them in ways that help them change. We don’t learn these skills anywhere else at school we have to learn through trial and error and lots of experience. I gradually changed the way I talked to my clients.

I know very well that there’s always so much more I can learn as a coach to better serve my clients. I’ve learned CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Life skills coaching, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), and tonnes of other coaching modalities. Even healing therapies such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy), Reiki, (Hand healing) and Meditation techniques to help overcome Crohn’s disease.

I used to be a serious looking, arms crossed disciplinarian type of coach. My favourite quote used to be “Accept no excuses”. I’m surprised I didn’t get it tatooed actually.

I wasn’t trying to be a ‘Badass coach’, I wasn’t trying to be mean (for their own good), I was genuinely trying and wanting to do the right thing and help. As Coach Badass I thought that my clients were broken and I needed to fix them. That they are just unmotivated and weak and need a good kick up the backside to get going.

I looked for symptoms and flaws while prescribing a plan to fix it. I tried to shame them Into taking action and doing what’s good for them. This actually did get short term results in some people, it can motivate some people, but not true long lasting sustainable change.I realised that people truly resist being pressured into making decisions. We sometimes don’t accept and resist against criticism. Making someone feel bad doesn’t change behaviours that truly last.

And for me, I was tired, it was exhausting being Coach Badass as I was frustrated and disappointed with client results. That’s why when I discovered a number of alternative coaching modalities that helped me come to the realisation.

I had to say goodbye to Coach Badass...for good.
And say hello to Coach Goodass.

The difference is that Coach Goodass believes that people already have the skills and abilities to change. They’re already doing good in some areas of their lives. I begin to help my clients find what’s fun and joyful in their lives and help them do more of it. With a holistic view a better, healthier lifestyle focusing on health and wellbeing is a path to living life on their own terms with their own sense of freedom.

I wanted my clients to give themselves permission to talk freely about change and feeling good about their health and wellbeing as well as the lifestyle they wish to lead. I was no longer an expert, I became a ‘guide’ that strives to empower them to achieve the best version of themselves. As I no longer judged or criticised as Coach Badass I was now on their team as a celebration of the mind, body and spirit.

I want my clients to feel stronger when they are with me. My clients now feel excited, inspired and energised. They get better results, faster and they stick with me longer.

And all I did was switch my language, to listen more and become aware of how my clients are thinking and feeling. I focused on what’s holding them back and getting them stuck, to try new and better choices. I want my clients to be able to discover their own strengths, resources and abilities. To solve their own problems, motivate themselves and perhaps help others along the way.

This is why I created the Dom Boecker Wellness Center so I’m able to help more people that are ready and willing to change. That want to be part of a team and community that inspires and excites positive change.

Thank you for reading this post because I hope it is helpful for you should you wish to learn more about the Dom Boecker Wellness Center.

All my hopes and dreams are with you and your success.

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Whoaww that is amasing Mister Dominik. You really seem to be a professional and I would like so much to enter in contact with you in order to learn a lot.

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