6 Techniques to overcome scenic fear

in #health7 years ago

6 Techniques to overcome scenic fear

The fear is always willing to see things worse than they are"

Thousands of people when questions what is the first thing that comes to mind when they have to speak in public? The answers are multiple, although the most common are: "UF! UF! UF! "." God, and say what? "." "My God, sure that I am doing wrong". "No, please". "Shame!". "I hope that people are doing other things and not listen to me." "I will go wrong". "Secure voice tremble me or I will be red". "I'm going to be blank." "You'll see as the mess and I do it wrong." "Relief". "Earth swallow me!". "What putada, want to disappear!". "What will think of my?". "Why do not can I be invisible?".

And only less than one percent of the cases you will respond: "!" That I can come! ","I'm going to do great,","I'm going to prepare myself for it!","I have an opportunity to show what I can!". "Love it!".

The fright is a reaction that is born from ignorance, ignorance and the lack of certainty, everything that we do not know, a priori is feasible that we fear. The fright is more frequent in our society social phobia. Just as it is true that a 5-year-old child could get in front of a stage, say a few sentences without problem, when that same child reaches the age of adolescence, could present difficulties to speak before the public.

This happens on occasion that fright is imposed by the environment, we learn, also that part of the problem lies in our system of education, which teaches us not to speak in public or to overcome our fear.

On numerous occasions I've heard thousands of people say that the first few seconds when speaking in public is when going worse, when really feels the fright in all its fervor. In these cases, the resource that best result has generated my students to reduce anxiety when speaking in public, has been an exercise in relaxation and visualization. Getting to change the negative image that they have themselves when speaking in public, by an internal representation positive and to help them to cope with total security.

My recommendation is that you get to feel comfortable before your audience, so I share with you some techniques:

  1. prepare very well your presentation. The more master topic, safer you'll be.

(2) If you have the possibility of knowing who will be attending, check out videos that are uploaded to the Internet to know them in more depth.

(3) comes with enough time the day of the presentation, so you'll have time to solve all the technical problems that may arise.

(4) it greets the participants and talk to them while you start the intervention, this will help you to be more relaxed and then you can go to them during your speech.

(5) speaks of what you know, you have mastered and are passionate

(6) be yourself.

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