
I love this post.

My main job is a Communications Assistant at CaptionCall. Basically I assist hearing impaired individuals communicate via telephone. They get a (freely provided) telephone with a screen on it. When someone calls them, I'm in the middle hearing what that person says, which I transcribe to the screen on the telephone for them to read.

Before I got this job I didn't realize how stunting hearing impairment can be. We rely on it for a huge portion of our social life, and when someone loses their ability to hear (even slightly) the damage is felt universally.

Once again, thank you. This post is appreciated.

Thank you for this informative post. My husband Joe has significant hearing loss due to the fact that he worked as an auto technician for 45 years. Hearing protection was not considered an issue for most of those years. He now wears hearing aids in both ears. While they help to some degree his hearing is far from perfect. Even hearing the siren on an emergency vehicle can be problematic. Unfortunately, health insurance does not cover hearing aids in spite of the fact that hearing loss is quite debilitating and hearing aids are VERY expensive! That is an area that needs to be corrected.
Again, thank you for your post, maybe you have saved someone's hearing because of it. Keep up the good work.
I up voted you and followed you.

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