Is loneliness increasing in our society?

in #health6 years ago

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Us human beings have a predisposition to feel alone from time to time, whatever our life may be, whether we are introverted or extroverted. This is so because we are social animals, and it is very easy that at a given moment we suffer from discomfort because we can not connect with anyone as much as we would like. It is completely normal and it happens to everyone.

However, the feeling of loneliness can manifesting itself in people simply because of changes in the way individuals interact with each others, and that is precisely what is happening in recent decades, because despite having more social tools than never before in the form of countless websites and apps to meet and engage with new people, these tools might be posing serious problems to its users when it comes to finding faithful and real friendships.

"It's possible that young adults who initially felt socially isolated turned to social media. Or it could be that their increased use of social media somehow led to feeling isolated from the real world." | Source

Having too much loneliness can cause us issues

The downside of paying too much attention to the number of friends and followers gained in FB, Instagram, Twitter and now Steem of course, is that it is very easy to slowly but surely stop paying attention to the quality of these relationships in real life. People might get too absorbed by their numbers in online profiles, that the importance of engaging in person might start to vanish.

Keep in mind that the criticisms that are often made about smartphones and social networks as guilty of this are probably incomplete. They may contribute to make up this problem of lack of contact between people, but they are not necessarily their root. In fact, possibly what is happening has to do with the development of some personality traits, and not so much with our new habits of digital consumption.

This way of thinking that isolates us more from the rest and makes us much more prone towards loneliness is probably related to a self centered attitude when it comes to the image they project into the web, and fundamentally, the idea that we must stand out from the others. The reason for this is that it makes us enter into a logic according to which personal relationships are simply an instrument to achieve a “higher” goal.

A lack of close friends and a dearth of broader social contact generally bring the emotional discomfort or distress known as loneliness. It begins with an awareness of a deficiency of relationships. | Source

A short example of this idea

Let’s imagine a person whose main goal is to gain a position of power to stand out from the crowd.

Advertising ads sell you ideals of beauty that you can use to distinguish yourself from the rest. Different services invite you constantly with the concept of exclusivity, whose meaning is basically that few people can access it, as if that spoke about the value of their product (and by extension of your value as a consumer of this). The business training plans talk about the importance as a team, but ultimately what they sell is the need to be your own boss and go on perfecting yourself and overcoming obstacles (whatever they may be) to make a good future for you. And the dominant message on the Internet aimed especially at young people, is that the important thing is to be visible, to be someone relevant and have eyes on you.

Now ask yourself if with that mental plan you would not mix a good part of your personal and informal relationships with that project of accumulation of power. A project that, on the other hand, does not have the goal of creating good living conditions, but having the ability to control one's own life to prevent damage from the outside. If we are self centered, even the goal we set is part of that same mentality.

So why are we getting lonelier? Changes in modern society are considered to be the cause. We live in nuclear family units, often living large distances away from our extended family and friends, and our growing reliance on social technology rather than face to face interaction is thought to be making us feel more isolated. | Source

All these aspects can lead us to the same conclusion, consisting in the fact that life can be an exciting place in the future, but right now in this present moment what you have to experience is a cautious loneliness. No one watches over anyone nor there are bonds of solidarity because everyone tries to squeeze their life from the resources to which they have access. Faced with this situation of constant tension, the construction of authentic friendships is something that does not make sense.

Final thoughts

Of course, not everyone is like this and think like this, but that does not stop us from getting infected with this way of thinking when it comes to developing lifestyle habits. The simple fact of living in a world in which this way of thinking is very public if you look closely can make people imitate its patterns.

What we can do to combat the seemingly increasing of loneliness is to lift that veil of appearances and reject the imposition of a self centered mentality when it comes to social interactions, doing this with solidarity and in a collective way. In order to accomplish this, a good option is to show our own weakness and aspects on which we are vulnerable to others, even though this might sound a little bit uncomfortable for some.

...those who have been lonely for a number of years will have anxiety about making new friends, they may be distrustful of others and feel low about their own social skills. They need support to change their view of themselves, and how they feel others will react to them. | Source

Proving that we really believe in an idea of life based on bonds of friendship and mutual support, may be difficult at the beginning since all small personal and collective changes in life perspectives are difficult, but the result of this can be very sweet as we see how, little by little, others begin to look at each others beyond the illusion of distrust.

Do you think loneliness is increasing or decreasing? Why?


bbc - social media & loneliness

psychologytoday - loneliness

independent – loneliness epidemic

bigthink – loneliness scientists


Images sources
All images are from pixabay & pexels

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I also think it's on the increase. Personally I've noticed that the social media platforms cannot replace the efficiency of actual dialogues, or time spent with people who we love . In one of Celine's song, she says "A Telephone conversation can't take the place of your smile", and I can totally relate with that. Also, the people who go on social media to meet others, most of the time, get disappointed with the outcome, as their interests/ motives might differ on a large scale.

the people who go on social media to meet others, most of the time, get disappointed with the outcome

It might also be because in social media almost everyone tries to project a perfect image that is not real. I wrote about it in yesterday's post

There is a strange correlation between the development of means of communication are proportional to the number of people feeling and getting more alone and lonely, with reflections on the incidence of mental deceases like depression and anxiety psychological disorders.

Virtual social networks are not a way out of solitude, but it just increases and closes people in a self-centered aseptic screen relationship.

Beautifully said mate.

I think it's on the increase. We have got too closed to ourselves, too pressured to look perfect and happy and successful, that we have forgotten to show how it is to be ourselves. Also, stressful routine (job, family and other obligations) takes a lot of time we could "invest" on our close people.
Anyway, if you have at least one person you can open up to and be yourself around, then you are from the lucky ones.

Anyway, if you have at least one person you can open up to and be yourself around, then you are from the lucky ones.

I totally agree with this. It is not easy to develop and establish this level of trust.

I'm a lone wolf dude. And tbh I'm quite happy the way I am, that doesn't mean I don't like people or socializing it's just that I feel very comfortable being on my own or maybe I'm really picky with my friend's circle. Always nice to read you PAL. I'm back after a very long break btw, Cheers bro!

Hey man! Long time no see how have you been?!

it's just that I feel very comfortable being on my own or maybe I'm really picky with my friend's circle

That's cool and I tend to be like that as well.

Great article

It does seem that loneliness is on the rise. But I have noticed a few things, especially with millennials. I'm a Gen Xer.

Millennials get beat up all the time about many things and how anti social they seem.

I don't agree!

They are becoming more and more social but the ways, locations, in person.

Social exchanges are evolving and moving to the digital world.

Take Steemit it seems from this newbie's small experience, that this hybrid social platform is a natural adaptation from all the negative energy on other sites.

Now add the shift of monetizing what we do and how people earn a living or can earn a living while not doing the same as their parents and many others have done in a normal 9-5. You have the greater ability to create a real community.

This real community can even meet up in person. ie: #steemcreators and their recent Steem creators Conference in Vegas. Like minded people getting together and sharing ideas and concepts.

Did I go way off on this? loneliness is still prevelent but support and community are key to fighting it.

Again great stuff. Following and absorbing everything I can. aka such a newbie here with my 2 posts. lol Thanks for your posts and content.

You have the greater ability to create a real community.

Yep, online communities might end up being the standard way of interacting in the near future. This idea might be cool for a post by the way.

loneliness is still prevelent but support and community are key to fighting it.

Agree, and well, if we consider online interaction as "valid" then loneliness would be much lower, the problem is we still need "real" interaction. Maybe in the future, with VR and other technologies this might not longer be case, but in the meantime, it is.

I can. aka such a newbie here with my 2 posts

I check your profile mate, and read the post about 10k in 100 days? that sounds really ambitious :). Good luck pal!


We change our perspective to battle loneliness but sometimes our previous experiences make us distrustful of others that we would rather keep our distance. It is okay that we interact online since we can't see those people face to face. Thus creating a wall. Online we can take time to say what we want to say and be good about it. When we deal with people face to face we feel low self-esteem because our though process is being challenged. We feel anxious for about what others would say.

I have been alone in my own world even with people around me. I always keep a distance and a barrier because of fear of getting hurt. Over the years I have come to accept that this is who I am and will ever be. There are moments of inspiration that I will change but the thought of going out of my comfort zone is terrifying. There is also the thought that people will not understand why I feel what I feel so I'd rather put on a mask.

Social media has made us even more needy of attention that when we don't get the attention that we want we feel sorry for ourselves and question why people don't like us. Loneliness is on the rise because we let our happiness be based upon what would others say about us.

I hope this made sense lol!

Online we can take time to say what we want to say and be good about it.

I also find expressing my ideas online to be easier.

Social media has made us even more needy of attention that when we don't get the attention that we want we feel sorry for ourselves and question why people don't like us

Agree, and I don't really see how could this be solved given the fact this is a generalized problem and increasing in scope.

I think I have to go with increasing. There is much to be said about face to face interactions, and the more we stray from them, the more we can feel isolated. Even if we have people online that we regularly communicate with, since they can be as far away as the other side of the world, just because we connect and identify with them does not replace, or register the same, as having them with us.

As society continues to breakdown, and families along with it, more and more individuals will seek alternative means to combat their loneliness. Technology will be used more and more to try to fill that gap, but will continue to fail because it isn't the same as human interaction, and hopefully never will be.

Even if we have people online that we regularly communicate with, since they can be as far away as the other side of the world

I remember like 10 years ago I saw a brother and her sister communicating on FB even though they were on the same house just in different rooms...

Technology will be used more and more to try to fill that gap, but will continue to fail because it isn't the same as human interaction, and hopefully never will be.

I have my doubts about the last part. I believe in the future we will probably spend more time in virtual worlds than in the real world.

Oh, I'm not saying it won't continue to increase. If VR, AR and other technologies continue to emerge, we definitely will be. I'm talking about the fulfilling part. There's already men in Japan trying to marry (and may have already done it) life like female robot companions. They may feel happy now, but I doubt it's going to last very long. Especially since it's all a little strange to begin with. The human mind knows the difference, so they're only fooling themselves with all of this, while the rest of society will look at them funny. What we need is more humanity, and more meaningful human interaction, not less.

I'm not surprised by the siblings talking to each other from their rooms. That probably happens at the dinner table. What is strange about all of this is that it generally takes more time to thumb in a message on a phone and then wait for a reply then it ever will to hold a verbal conversation.

They may feel happy now, but I doubt it's going to last very long

Who knows... As AI gets better and better those female robots you are talking about would also get more human like, maybe in the future there will be no difference whatsoever.

If that's the case, there won't be much of a reason to keep humans around. If AI can just be who we are, yet more efficiently, hopefully programmed without our problems, wants, needs and our deficiencies, then I would think it's game over at that point.

As you say, though, we're bound to find out. If anything the technology isn't going away. It's only going to get whatever the creator's definition of 'better' is. :)

there won't be much of a reason to keep humans around

No reason except our desire to remain alive in anyway, shape or form.

I thing lolenyness is increasing du to our addiction of social medias and technologies.

It has been provent that notifications and likes are really addictive and company do everyting they can to capture our attention to sold it to publicities or other things they want us to do.

I thing lolenyness is increasing du to our addiction of social medias and technologies.

And that addiction shows no signs of slowing down.

I totally agree, corporations don't care and want more of our attention as it provides more revenu for them...

We must take ourselves in hand and have habit such as :
limit the number of hours per day, have a technology free day, etc.

Loneliness is on the rise all day. There's this feeling of disconnection the more we get connected on social medias. The bond of friendship we had earlier are replace by lines created by social media which are week and feeble.

The bond of friendship we had earlier are replace by lines created by social media which are week and feeble.

Yes, it is not the same to interact online than in real life.

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