Taking it Easy and Talking Blood Types on a Tuesday! | Is that enough alliteration for you?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

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Hey Steemmates! Hows everyone hanging in on this cold Tuesday? Shhhh.. don’t look at the markets.. just.. get back in bed and put on your favorite show, brew up a nice cup of something warm, and just keep reading. Everything is OKAY.

Better yet, find something to get your hands into! In my case, it’s going to be blue dye- as per my goal this month. I could use a hair trim too but that all depends on my ability to find my hair cutting scissors- I’m not holding my breath.

This morning I woke up kinda spaced and groggy but @teamhumble 's prompt delivery of eggs and veggie sausage on a roll combined with coffee is bringing me back to life- (I know I know I’ll get to the green tea I promise, no more coffee for the day.)

It’s been a slow start to the day but I’m kinda ok with that, yesterday and Sunday were both straight hustle days. I’ve got another round of VO to record today and maybe some light web work but other than that I’m going to try not to stress. I know the clock is ticking oh how painfully aware of that I am- but what’s the point if we’re always racing to the next deadline? - Not to mention that physically I haven’t been feeling my best. Time to rest and recharge and make sure I don’t get sick in this chilly weather.

Something I’m so guilty of, racing this way and that- sometimes its fueled by excitement and a creative high energy- other times by stress and anxiety- I read once that A+ blood types are genetically more prone to being the “fight or flight” types.

I'm "A" in case you were wondering...

If you don’t know your blood type it might be a good idea to find out- I was fascinating to read up on mine, it brought a lot of clarity and understanding- even helped me understand parts of my personality!

via dadamo.com

I’ve never had any surgery or medical history that would make me aware of my type, so a few years ago I ordered this test from amazon for about 12 bucks.

It’s also good to know In case crypto falls any lower and you need to start giving blood! -JOKINGGGG! Gotta laugh to keep from crying right??

I got the test from good ol amazon and it’s actually a fun little science experiment to too!

I actually laminated mine and keep it with me! (creepy I know- insert Dexter reference here)

Do you know your blood type? Ever tried eating or excluding foods based on your blood type? Here's what's recommended for my fellow A's

So that’s about it this Tuesday morning. Just call me Easy Does-It Dayleeo. (lol we’ll see how long this lasts )

Happy Tuesday!



Nice and hot here today ;) Maybe you should come over until the winter is over ;) I am O negative or the universal donor so if you need some blood during the crypto bloodbath, I am here for ya. I always heard that the blood type diet is a hoax.... nearly all types exclude dairy, grains, and other processed foods so sure it works but does that have anything to do with your blood type... maybe. Maybe not. Would love to hear your experience with it!

I believe some of it has to do with how your digestive system developed based on your ancestry, sof my time, its a bit harder to process meats.. for example

The key factor in the development of Type A can be traced to the struggle for survival long ago, when there was a rapidly dwindling supply of hunting game stock. Having exhausted the great game herds of Africa, humans pushed farther out from their ancestral home into Europe and Asia. The cultivation of grains and livestock changed everything. For the first time, people were able to forego the hand to mouth lifestyle of the hunter/gatherer and establish stable communities. Over time the adaptations that produced Blood Type A were based on the need to fully utilize nutrients from carbohydrate sources. These biological adaptations can still be observed today in Type A's digestive structure. Low levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and high intestinal disaccharide digestive enzyme levels permit the more efficient digestion of carbohydrates. According to Dr. D'Adamo, these are also the very factors, along with low levels of intestinal alkaline phosphatase, that make it difficult for Type As to digest and metabolize animal protein and fat.

Ive always felt like eating meat really tired me out, like my body had a hard time with it- it doesn't make me sick, but sluggish for sure- id be interested to hear what you think about the info about O's on THIS SITE

I think the bit about exercise is super interesting-

I'll research it a bit more and come back to you ;)

Please do!

Thank you for sharing..

You are very welcome @shiella30

I've always heard that you really should eat foods that are good for your blood type.. I am getting my blood drawn in a few days, so I will make sure to ask and start reading up on what I should eat.. This is a good healthy to tip we all should be aware of.. excellent post!

Thank you @pikyvicki ! I haven't read it myself, but years ago my holistic chiropractor highly recommended the bookEat Right 4 Your Type. Of course , I didn't know my type back then because I had no idea there were home tests available, but it's something I'm interested in revisiting for sure :)

It's important to have a relaxing day and hair dying is always a good excuse to take a break.

The crypto market isn't worrying me, because as they say, "Buy the Dip" I think we should get Ethereum before it goes over 1000 again. Time to convert some steem to Ethereum, or is that sacrilegious?

I always start my day with coffee and then just ride the Tea wave for the remainder of the day. I am definitely snuggling in for an afternoon of indoor art making, because I can see the snow just starting outside my window as I type this...New England you Bitc....You lil devil you.

Keep on checking off that list!

Thank you for your encouragement as always my dear @donnadavisart! The deed is done and it feels soo good, although I didn't get much "adult" work done today, but my concentration was garbage today, so I guess best to rest up.. :/

Nice to meet another blood type A! I do better not eating meat, especially beef. I can't seem to digestive and it gives me a lot of discomfort. I eat lots of fruits and veggies, grains and some fish and chicken. I don't to shed in any blood bath! I try to avoid those types of things as it's just too stressful...

managing stress is also a big thing for A-types, we're supposed to be doing low impact calming exercises like tai-chi or, you guessed it.. yoga! lol

I take tai-chi classes! lol

well then you're already on the right track! lol

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