
Right, so this article references the same institution that allowed back people to die of Syphilis while telling them it was "bad blood" until 1974, refusing them a cure, as if this institution is some type of authority. Take your snake oil garbage elsewhere.

Still waiting for actual numbers on risk/benefit analysis. It is a shame that no such info is offered.

There's a list there of over 40 studies. These studies use statistics. If you think I am going to argue individual statistic from the myriad that is available there, you must be joking. I mean, we may as well argue whether or not the moon landings are real. Do you have absolute proof that the moon landings are real?

I just can't see how you still don't grasp that to prove, as you have set out to do, that "benefits outweigh risks" as regarding specific vaccines, you must clearly and specifically define your terms, scope, and parameters.

All that aside, it's easy to see that the link bomb summary of studies you posted is untrustworthy. From the opening paragraphs:

These studies do not show any link between autism and MMR vaccine, thimerosal, multiple vaccines given at once, fevers or seizures.

No link between vaccines and fevers and seizures? This is an absurd claim, as the link has already been established by the vaccine companies themselves. Nearly every package insert verifies this link, and the reactions are not "rare," unless over 10 - 15 % of people having fevers is rare:

If studies in the link you provided didn't find any link even to something as common as vaccine-induced fever, and the scientists at the vaccine companies themselves have found, via testing, that this link exists and directly confirmed it, why would any thinking individual not take issue with this monumental contradiction?

"as regarding specific vaccines" I never said anything about specific vaccines - I have no reason to. I was saying in general.

"These studies do not show any link between autism and MMR vaccine, thimerosal, multiple vaccines given at once, fevers or seizures."
You misread this. It is a list of things which do not lead to autism. It is saying fevers or seizures caused by the vaccine do not lead to autism. I agree the sentence is confusing, but if you read it again, I think you will agree that this is what it means.

I assure you, the British Medical Association is a respected institution.

Ah, I see what you mean. Thanks for correcting me there.

Unfortunately, the CDC maintains that vaccines, febrile seizure, etc., can and do trigger "autism-like symptoms" with no differentiation made between ASD and "ASD-like symptoms."

And once again "I can assure you" is not an argument.

Ok. I give up. I stand corrected. You are right. I am wrong. Those quacks from the British Medical Association and all those doctors and scientists who did all that research on vaccines should be locked up. That data they included in their research was all made up. I bet they didn’t actually do any research . They played video games instead. Doctors actually stuck a needle in me when I was a child, for no apparent reason, just for the fun of it. When I have time, I’ll sue them. All that money gone to waste on vaccinating the populations of the world. No wonder you are angry about it - it’s enough to make anyone angry. I’m seething myself. I’m frothing at the mouth. Wait a minute! Am I frothing at the mouth because of the vaccines? Yes, that must be it. Am I going to die a horrible death? You were right! You were right.! Please, please, you know everything. Tell me, what should I do? Don’t forget to include the proof that it works, though!

This is hopeless. I never once claimed all those 40 studies you listed were "wrong," or written by "quacks." I am simply pointing out discrepancies. This article here on Steem was about herd immunity and you're attempting to debate me using assertions about a point I wasn't even explicitly making.

Thanks for your time and for reading, and for the studies you cited. Cheers.

And, of course, another non reply to what the CDC claimed about a direct correlation back in 2008.

When you are ready to discuss ideas and make non-personal, cohesive arguments, I'll be here.

I wasn't being personal. I was using irony and sarcasm as a form of humour to try to close the conversation. It's British humour. (I was actually laughing as I wrote it as I thought it was quite good).
If you took it to mean something else, then I apologize. It was not meant to be a personal attack.

(And no, I'm not continuing further with the argument.)

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