RE: The Importance of Exercise... Getting Ripped on a Raw Vegan, Intermittent Fasting, Calisthenic Workout
Holy shit you look ripped as hell! You changed my life JEff! I watched yesterday 2 Ted talks about fasting, and oh my good, the growth hormones, the food industry, the hunger that is not there after the intermitten fasting.
I wanted to write you about Freeletics - you can build a really strong body whit really simple exercises and I wanted to share it with you (a freeletics firend of mine build this for me).
You will do this routine 4 Times (or 3) - Feel how much reps you can do, go easy on yourself the first time!
Rest after each for 30 seconds, after the whole set 1 Minute.
1.) Push Ups = 10 (elbows should not flare out - check reddeltaproject on YouTube or Austin Dunham)
2.) Wide Push Ups (make a V with your arms, that is how wide, but make your position is still comfortable) - This will include your front shoulder muscle
3.) Diamond Push ups (easy on this ones - check proper form) - includes back shoulder muscle
4.) Pull Ups (with overhand grip...put your thumb also over the bar)
5.) Wide Pull Ups (Again the V shape for the Grip - This will include shoulders)
6.) Close Grip Pull Ups
7.) Walking Lunges - Each leg 25 steps (Chest and Shoulders back, your arms are like wings) - Check with your knees if this is comfortable
/ alternative Box jumps - easy on your knes, if you jumps you should land "silently" and like a feather so your knees are save
8.) Squats, like you are sitting on a little chair (actually you can sit for second on a chair or bench and get back again - these one are realy good for your legs and butt)
this is it.... repeat 3-4 times
Than after this workout abs, or you do abs in the moring (3 sets):
- Leg raises (10-20)
- Bicycle (15 each...)
- normal Crunches (you head goes to the sky, and not really to your knees)(20)
- side to side crunches (15 each for starters)
Its a simple whole body workout...
Thank you again for your videos!
Can'T wait to read your article about living the steemit!
Till soon!