Health Reflections

in #health6 years ago

I suppose that even a lifetime wouldn't be enough to explore fully everything Bulgarian as probably every other country- nature, traditions, rituals, history or just to read books about or from Bulgarians.

We have an abundance of famous spiritual leaders, healers, prophets, scientists, teaching really valuable lessons about the true virtues that the world desperately needs and we kind of tend to forget these days. I've mentioned Peter Deunov many times. We have an abundance of extraordinary scientists, we are smart people and as most of the young people leave the small towns and villages and go abroad some people call Bulgaria donor of great minds. Also and what I would like to write today is about the fact that while today it is somehow the opposite only 100 years ago we used to be the country with the highest number of people over 100 hundreds years old in the world, it was published in a report in Berlin by some doctors. And the numbers were significantly higher than the other European countries. In Switzerland they were only around 80-90, Bulgaria - over 3200, Romania - around 1200.

Russia used to sent scientists here to research the diet and lifestyle of people before WWI and to understand why they are so healthy, strong and ageless. They thought it was the Bulgarian yogurt, because it has one bacteria unique for the whole world, but it turned out the reason was something else... let me tell you part of the secret - fasting. There are many more of course, but they would be subject of another post, as I suppose that I become to chatty when I start to talk about these things and the post could turn into a book.

So.. the fasts were many many times throughout the year, for most of the people it meant no meat, no diary. And for the most advanced - only water. The fasting was performed by EVERYONE in Bulgaria. There are some 200 years old written stories of Czech travelers where they explained how it was impossible to find some meat and diary in a Bulgarian village during the fast and they had to go up a hill where the Turkish lived to find meat. Bulgaria was under Turkish Slavery 5 centuries and the Turkish lived at higher places so that they could have cleaner water. The whole number of fasting days were more than 200 for an year! The dates were according to the christian calendar and today this tradition was almost forgotten, but now are reviving. Completely different people, with completely different beliefs, diseases and age are showing from somewhere claiming and showing tests confirming that they managed to cope with everything only through fasting - all kind of strange symptoms like depression, skin problems, tooth problems or serious diseases like reumatoid artrit, whatever you can think about - cancer, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases. It is not easy for sure, but it is simple, old, true and powerful method.

The longest periods of fasting were before Christmas and before Easter - both 40 days long. You can still find a lot of old women around the depopulated mountains villages performing twice a year 40 days water fast since for example 50 years... probably living alone, as their children are somewhere around the globe, left many years ago to search for security and the so desired happiness and forgetting their millennium old roots and history. The Easter fast traditionally started with 3 days of dry fasting - no water, no food. If that sound strange for you, let me tell you nowadays it is a traditional method in Russia (and as far as I remember in China), there are cliniques for up to 11 days dry fast and it is the most powerful physical healing practice. I highly recommend you to read more about it if you've never have although I suppose you have as here in Steemit people are a lot more open minded.

I recently performed a 3 and later a 5 days dry fasts although there are still doctors that would try to convince me I should be dead. But they said so about vegan eating also some time ago. I am not a vegan, but I eat mainly vegan and very rarely vegetarian. For now I am still alive, I don't get sick and I am often asked for an ID cart because people think I am under 18, I am 28. I am also not that type of vegan activist that would publish smart anti-meat war photos, jokes and constantly talking how bad eating meat is, although I do believe it, but I know every person has his own road and is doing exactly what he needs to do right now. But still, I would like to tell you something, as someone living almost a vegan lifestyle for 8 years.. People that eat meat, plenty of diary, smoke, drink alcohol or eat a lot of refined sugar and wheat, and don't move just stink awful. not everything at the same time. each of these is important and make a person far more stinky. I am absolutely serious. I've been always extremely sensitive to smells, at least that's what I thought and when I first read that after a long period of eating vegan you become even more sensitive to smells, I didn't believe that, I thought they were exaggerating. If you don't believe me read more, now it is often discussed between vegans - why people that eat meat smell so bad. So a relationship between vegan and a meat eating person can have some serious smelly problems. If you think that it is normal to stink and you should use 18 different products to prevent some smell, let me tell you - no, it is not. The products are poisonous chemistry and you are supposed and designed to smell nice if your thoughts and diet are good. So if you are still seeking for the perfect anti smell gums, mouth sprays or armpit sticks or something like that, better stop and consider whether you need some kind of fasting. If you have acne or some skin - the same, if you have stomach issues, diabetes - the same. And I can continue like that for hours as we have too many paranormal symptoms and diseases. We created them alone and we had to cope with them alone. No one else and nothing else can help. And btw I rarely use soaps, shampoos, perfumes or recently even a real toothpaste, as there are plenty information and studies everywhere that they are not only useless, but also poisonous and connected to cancer and a long list of diseases. I just don't need them at all to smell well. And that's not only my opinion. I have a boyfriend and have had other boyfriends saying so. I prepare often home made shampoo and toothpaste, I also don't use anything for my skin except olive oil or coconut oil and my skin is perfect for most of the time. If I enter a period of more sweets, bread and pasta, my body reacts immediately and I receive acne. Then I know I need some fasting and my skin is perfect again. I have several witnesses that could confirm that also :D So personally for me I have eliminated meat, diary, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry almost completely from my life. And I incorporated many other things - a real connection with nature - as symbiotic as it is possible to be for now lifestyle with nature, understanding my body rhythms and needs, understanding the power of my thoughts and emotions and beliefs, as they are far more important than the food, This includes going on walks, whenever it is possible, spending as much time as possible outside, clean water from high in the mountain, exercising, grounding, taking control over my thoughts and emotions, being careful about what types of words I am using and many more like that, but most importantly - constant learning. I feel like I owe that to myself, to my body, and to all the people around me, may be to my future children, to the planet, and to all the people I will meet in this life from now on to be healthy, strong and reliable. I don't wanna smell to them :D That's a joke of course, the reasons are far more deep and I hope I will write about it again.

Photo 5.10.18, 9 04 46 (1).jpg

Me third day of dry fasting. I felt and looked okay for the first time so I decided to take a selfie. It is a hard but amazing experience, that heals you, cleans your body and soul and make you feel more connected both with the outer and your inner world.

Thank you very much for reading!
I am far from perfect most of the time, but I am seriously trying, and for now and for me it is working well.


This is a beautiful post and it reflected my situation so much! Great to see you went back to nature and healthy lifestyle and ditched all the poisonous, man-made products. It's something I'm moving towards myself and am especially exploring dry fasting at the moment. :)
Thanks for sharing!

Thank you very much, @alcibiades! I am happy to meet fellow steemian dry fasting explorer :D Wish you (I was going to write health, but that is up to you, so wish you) learning, and understanding and happy exploring and getting back to nature :)

I have had my time of vegetarianism and fasting also. I was vegetarian for about 5 years and during one year I fasted with water on every Sunday. Yes, for one year I only ate water on Sundays. It was a good experience that thought me a lot. A lot about myself, my body, my mind, my soul and my health. Now I am no longer a vegetarian for years but I am doing intermittent fasting for about a week. I have some digestive problems and I hope intermittent fasting will help me treat them. I am planning to integrate water fasting at least a day a month also in the near future. Great article by the way. I am from Romania and was glad to read about my country having 1200 people of over 100 years old.

I loved this publication ... I am a Christian and we practice fasting ... Fasting is powerful, many people do not understand it ... and think we are crazy, hahaha but fasting appears even in the bible, in ancient times God He sent fasts and appears in the Bible as susu shining faces, they were rejuvenated ... I used to do many fasts, in recent years I have not been able to do much because of colon problems and I can not spend much time without consuming food ... what I have never done is fasting without water ... my fasts have been without food but if I can drink water ... there are those who do it as you mention, without liquid or food ...

Something else that caught my attention was that you do deodorant and shampoo .... can you explain how I can make a homemade deodorant ??? pleeeease, hahaha here you can not get deodorant and I have made one but it stains the clothes: 😩
(You can find me in Discord, if you do not want to give the recipe here)

NOTE: I hope you understand everything I wanted to write, I speak Spanish and I use the Google translator and many times I change the meaning of what I want to write.

Thank you very much for that lovely comment @blessed-girl 🤗 I absolutely agree with you about the fasting! It is truly powerful. I will post that recipe soon! Thank you very much for the suggestion :) Have a great day!

Hi @danielapetk, this is a nice post.

I am far from perfect most of the time, but I am seriously trying, and for now and for me it is working well.

Perfect doesn't exist, but "perfect enough" does and you hit that mark a lot in life I think. :)

I fast a lot myself too. I fast between breakfast and morning snack and then again between morning snack and lunch. After lunch I fast until afternoon snack and then again until dinner. After dinner I usually fast for about 90 minutes or so right before evening snack and my longest fasting session is between evening snack and breakfast.

So much fasting.





:D Galen, you should definitely read more about fasting then! It is truly the most amazing medicine for every disease :) Thanks a lot for your comment, always great to hear from you! Have a great day!

I've heard that actually but I don't think I have the will power for it. I like food. :)

Hope you're well.

I admire people who have the strengh to do fasting for several days, for me it is always pretty difficult because i feel so weak when i don't eat for a longer time.

I thought the same for me for a very long time :) May be you will change your mind too one day! It is great :)

Wow fasting seems very challenging to me, but after your post - I feel quite convinced to at least give it a try!

I just have 5 Berliner Weisse. This post makes me SO happy! Cheers everyone!!

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