All Media Coverage Of “Measles Outbreaks” Is Scripted Fake News To Promote Vaccine Industry Interests

in #health7 years ago


We are living under a pharmaceutical dictatorship that spends billions of dollars to systematically bribe medical professionals and influence lawmakers. This industry uses the media and associated press not only to advertise its products but also to influence news stories that scare people into vaccinating for alleged protection against benign illnesses.

For example, all media coverage of “measles outbreaks” is really a scripted re-run pharmaceutical advertisement used to scare parents so they will submit their children and comply with the vaccine industry’s current orders. No real information is shared about measles, why so-called vaccine protection wears off, why deadly measles cases were going down before a vaccine was introduced, or why no one has died from the complication of this illness in the past decade. These scare stories never reveal why it’s a good thing to be naturally exposed to the measles virus, so an individual can gain real, lifelong immunity that also prepares the immune system for more important stressors later in life.

These news stories are used to get in the minds of all people, to make everyone doubt themselves before they refuse the 50+ doses of vaccine that are now pushed on children by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) which owns vaccine patents and is part of the industry. These scripted FAKE NEWS stories always target those who choose not to vaccinate to make them feel responsible for the advertised disease and to get other people to blame them too. It’s psychological warfare.

Scare tactics are used throughout the medical system

In fear of losing their license, reputation, and medical authority, most medical doctors and pediatricians push the vaccines that they are told to push by the CDC. They have virtually no knowledge of how the natural immune system works, so they blindly cite the science that they are fed by the industry and/or bribed to prescribe. It’s hard to find a doctor that hasn’t been bribed by pharmaceutical interests. Instead of learning about the many facets of the natural immune system and how it is activated, we’re taught to believe that we are deficient in vaccine science, that they are a safe replacement for our bodies and work 100% of the time. Even though infectious disease, communicable disease, superbug infections, neurological disorders and non-communicable disease including cancer are all at an all time high in our world, vaccines are credited for solving our public health problems and making our immune system strong! On top of all this, we’ve been weakened to the point of accepting vaccine damage as a normal way of life and forced to pretend this perpetual chemical and heavy metal augmentation of our bodies is going to sustain us.

From state to state, laws are written to push a number of vaccinations onto infants and children, forcing parents to beg for exemptions if they disagree with the vaccine dictates. Disease scares are played and replayed through the scripted media to motivate legislatures to pass new mandatory vaccine laws that take away any conscientious, philosophical, or religious exemptions to vaccinations. California did just that by passing SB277, America’s most severe mandatory vaccination law that strips parents of their rights and denies children a public education if they are free from one, some, or all of the pharmaceutical industry’s dictated vaccines.

Furthermore, the public outcry against coercive and forced pharmaceuticals is stifled by the FAKE NEWS media that is dead set on carrying out the wishes of the pharmaceutical vaccine tyrants. Watch below, as citizens of Italy protest against mandatory vaccine laws that are taking over their country. You won’t find this on CNN, on NPR, NBC or any other fake news outlets.

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