Now I Feel Relaxed And At EasesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health5 years ago

dark sunset.png

My Latest Digital Painting (Sunset and Trees)

I already had my dialysis this morning and my mother had bought me some of that rice meal that I always eat which tastes fantastic as it had some gravy which makes it easy for me to eat plus the cleaning action of the dialysis machine to my blood is really refreshing and I cannot really describe it.

After being hooked up for about an hour I can already eat and the dialysis machine with my high-flux dialyzer works efficiently considering in my country these dialyzers are cleaned afterwards up to eight times or one month before being discarded.

While is western countries it is only used once and then discarded while in my case I have to use it for one month so that I will not have to pay out of pocket because my health insurance covers one dialyzer. But I have to pay extra because I am using a "High-flux" type which means that it has bigger holes and it cleans well as it allows many big molecule blood toxins to pass through.

Time-lapse Video On How I Did It

With a high-flux dialyzer my breath takes time to smell like ammonia while with regular dialyzers my breath would often smell and it has been like that until I learned that the high-flux ones are great in cleaning the blood.

Now that my blood is cleaned again it feel relatively much better because not only my system was cleaned but also the extra water in my body was diminished enough to improve my breathing but only not that much.

I just hope that I will get more dialysis allocations from my health insurance and I think it will be possible because of my countries tax reform law which aimed to make the lives of my countrymen better especially for the sick because it will improve the universal health care that I am using for my dialysis.


Digital art amazes me.

Glad you are feeling better since your dialysis. Last year my wife was hospitalized due to early stage kidney failure. She was never happy with her Nephrologist and I am not sure why. Probably because he told her the truth. I suggested that if she did not change her ways maybe she should take a tour of a dialysis unit. She would not go, but did start taking care of herself better.

Enjoy feeling better and keep at your digital art. I really like seeing the results. Again, it amazes me.

Thank you @r2cornell for your support and encouragement.
Yes we do hate our nephrologist and nurses because they do not and will never understand what we are feeling with our bodies.
But a frequent dialysis with utmost knowledge about the disease and its maintenance will make the patient feel better. But it just takes a lot of work especially time and expenses.
This digital art that I do also gives me a sense of fulfillment because the results are amazing :D

Glad you have such a great outlet for your creativity.

I worked many years in my career as a Rehabilitation Counselor, and observed so many professionals who had no clue what someone else is going through, yet they think they do. Having disabilities that I have learned to live with, I experienced the same thing where some professional were certain they knew what I was feeling or going through. Until you live it, or something close to it, there is no way they can understand.

Those professionals who can realize this tend to excel in their field..

True Sir, in my case with Leontiasis and a Dialysis patient for 17 with pains all over my body plus this appetite-loss that I am experiencing there is no person who can understand until they also go through this life as well.

That is why most people tend to not empathize or sympathize with me because they do not understand what dialysis means and what I feel inside me.

But I am fortunate that here in steem community there are many people who understands me and it truly makes me happy inside @r2cornell

I am glad that you feel better after dialysis and this is something new that you started to creating digital Art. It looks very well, especially that sun that going down and fading at horizon. Really nice :)

Yes it is fun to create something and the result is amazing @stef1 :D
It is also fun to capture all with a timelapse video.

Fantastic art brother! I'm really glad everything went well with your dialysis. Keep it strong champ!

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