Dear Diary: Three Liters Of Fluids Was Taken Out From My Body Today

in #health6 years ago


I went to my dialysis with the heaviest weight with extra fluids in my body and it did made me have a very hard time moving around this morning and to our car that I just needed a wheelchair because I could not even have the strength to stand-up.

What is wrong with the dialysis center that I am going into for my treatments is that they do not completely take-off extra fluids from the patient but instead they have a maximum for every patient particularly to me so if I would drink much water than the threshold that they set, I would go home with extra water in my body like today.

The issue now is that although I have an extra water in my body my blood pressure still have crashed so they added some saline solution back into my blood stream so that my blood pressure would come back to normal levels.

I went home today with extra two kilos in my body so that really is not a good thing. The only solution for that is for me to have a more frequent dialysis session but that is out of the question because of the forbidding price of dialysis treatments as it is not cheap and would threaten my budget for my medicines which are also not cheap.

So again I am thankful for my dialysis for today even though I went home still overweight with extra fluids. I now have a cause of a risk for being so easily have a breathlessness because my allowance for taking in water is diminished considering that it is really hard to control thirst more than hunger.


You need o have enough food and vitamins in the next days to replace it.

You need o have enough food and vitamins in the next days to replace it.

I hope you get well @cryptopie

Hey, friend, it's hard, life puts you in a new challenge.

Todo sea por tu salud @cryptopie el esfuerzo que haces todos los dias por buscar mejorarte de verdad te mereces lo mejor. Espero que la Diálisis te ayude a eliminar todos esos liquidos adicionales de tu cuerpo

I wish and i pray to god that you get well as soon as possible .

Espero te sientas mejor, amigo, @cryptopie. un abrazo.

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