Dear Diary: This Cold Weather Also Makes My Skin Itch But I Have A Solution For It

in #health7 years ago (edited)


Hot Water In A food grade PE Plastic bag

I don't know if it is just me or really the low humidity with this kind of cold and chilly weather causes skins to itch. Fortunately I have a quick solution to it which is applying a hot compress with thee use of boiling water in a plastic bag and any thin cloth and then rubbing it on the itchy part until your eyes roll over with the best relief ever.

Of course if it gets too hot you move it over the next part of your body that is itching. I discovered this technique a few years ago when I had a very bad case of itching due to the high phosphorus in my body which I haven't had a clue that it was the culprit. So I just one day put boiling water into my rubber hot compress and then using it to dab on the part of my body that I felt the itch.

After my rubber hot compress broke I then realized that the food grade Polyethylene plastic bag works as it is tough and stretchable so that I used with the aid of a thin cloth and whenever I had an awful itch like today I just use the hot water in a plastic bag and handkerchief technique that I discovere to put a relief on my itchy skin issue.

I bet that it was only the weather that causes this skin demise of mine. I will just be patient like I always do to wait for the weather to change again although it really is uncomfortable for me but at least I won't feel an itchy skin and I can breathe better too.

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We all wish for the spring to come, at least here in the US.
I liked the part when you mentioned “until your eyes roll over with the best relief ever.”
Very funny, I can

Another strange-but-true reason for winter itch is bathing - that's right, the ordinary bath or shower you take every day. People tend to take longer baths or showers in hotter water in the winter because it feels so good. Unfortunately, your skin pays for this luxury. To help your skin:

Limit a bath or shower to no more than 15 minutes and use lukewarm instead of hot water.
Use bath oil, or when you get out of the bath or shower, pat dry and apply moisturizer while your skin is still damp to hold in the moisture.
Avoid harsh soaps such as deodorant soap. Look for shower gels, soaps or soap-free cleansers that contain moisturizer.
A shower filter to remove chlorine and other chemicals from the water can be helpful.
Only take one bath or shower a day, and arms and legs don't even need soaping every day.
Of all the body parts, hands suffer the most from excessive exposure to soap and water. I am a fanatic about washing my hands to keep from getting sick, and in the winter, my hands often get red, cracked, and painful. I find using a cream or lotion at night and sleeping in cotton gloves really helps me. Products designed for eczema or psoriasis sufferers can also be very effective for dry, chapped skin.

Another cause of dry skin and winter itch is the tendency to drink less water in winter. It is not hot and/or humid, and we just don't seem to feel as thirsty. However, we still need to drink plenty of water to keep our skin moisturized from the inside out.

In addition, build up of detergent or fabric softener in your clothing or bedding can be a contributing factor. Changing from a powder to a liquid detergent made a huge difference to me. The liquid tended to rinse out better and leave less residue. Also, avoid added dyes and fragrances that can be irritating.

Another cause that sounds obvious once you think of it is the type of clothing you wear. Some fabrics, like wool, can be scratchy and be a factor in keeping that itch-scratch cycle going. Linen can send me up the wall, too. Know what irritates your skin and avoid it. If everything irritates your skin, you might benefit from wearing specially-developed clothing as undergarments or for sleeping.

He lives in a tropical climate.

Yeah and said its cold from my understanding.

Coconut oil is good for itching skin, your skin is losing its moisture, u need to moisturize more often

Hello @crytopie I hope you find the solution to your skin problem soon, you must follow patience with it, it is a minor problem. A strong hug

Glad you improvising and always remember you in my prayers

I wish pray for you. god bless you.

The solution you made was fantastic. Wish for you bro.

Thanks for the tips, the cold makes me itchy on the skin I did not know that it helped to calm down.

Lol. @cryptopie, I love the way u smartly improvise things. Don't worry, a good n fair weather that makes you feel comfortable would soon come. Just hang on my dear. Things are gon get better @cryptopie

Love the way you fight with your condition. Keep fight death and good health will be yours soon. How is your teeth right now? Same cool and get heal soon

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