Dear Diary: Our Food Markets Are Plagued With Bad Artificial Food Ingredients Bad For Us In For Long Term Consumption

in #health7 years ago


Today I was window shopping online and was thinking of purchasing some foods that I can eat when I was lead to the drink mixes and I decided to see if I could choose something for my consumption. Then I saw the popular brand name and saw the ingredient "Aspartame" as one of its key sweetener.

I searched for Aspartame and learned that it is an artificial sweetener that can be found in many sweetened foods and drinks which most I use as well recently for my drinks. Then I saw the questions behind it, is it bad for health? Why does it cause headaches? Then the answer to that was the cause of the headache which is the inhibition of dopamine and serotonin in the brains of the consumers of this particular artificial sweetener.

Then with a little more digging not far from Google it is seen at some tests that Aspartame really causes brain chemical disruptions by its inhibiting effects for the brain to be receptive of dopamine and serotonin. Then as with serotonin inhibition we could also suffer from anxiety-related symptoms, depression, feeling of unhappiness, bad moods and such.

Case and point, Aspartame really is bad for the health especially for brain health, so we must try to avoid it at all costs. It will be better to use maybe some natural alternatives like honey, stevia, coconut sugar, or sweet molasses (not the bitter one).

But is is not only in my opinion Aspartame that we should avoid but basically all processed packaged foods that has artificial ingredients because maybe government agencies tell us that these things are safe but consuming them in a long term will do us harm until our bodies reach its tipping/breaking point and then it will show signs of diseases.


i think you try to focus on natural foods for your health and avoid these types of artifical foods and drinks..

Same as flouride that is in my drinking water here in australia. The government puts the flouride in our water to prevent tooth decay but it also dumbs people down..

The whole world is so toxic now.. but removing aspertame wont help with health unless your whole diet is on point.

But what is a healthy diet? If you look into this you may find that there are so many different healthy diets it may confuse you as to which eating regiment is ideal.

Hope your all good bro.

It is good to try other natural alternatives like you've outrightly suggested, but some of these natural sweeteners now like honey has been adulterated in the course of processing it by some producers and at times, it's difficult to find the quality ones just in their natural state to purchase for consumption.
However, if it's possible to avoid sweeteners completely then I think it will be a better option. Thank you @cryptopie for this insightful post

I agree with you because artificial food are actually edible, with lot of other unhygienic you have mentioned about Aspartame and it's side effects same I the case with natural foods should be prefferable....

I thank you very much for this observation. In fact the world today is actually saturated with toxin. From the foods and drinks we consumed to the environment and the air we breath, all full of toxin. The only way to play safe is to consume natural foods and drinks as much as possible.

Oh that's bad but why bad ingredients are present in your food market why your government not taking action against them @cryptopie

Try to be carefully select when by consumable products

Very true. Abundance of food in the market consists of aspartame and its bad for us even worse to a patient like you. I would recommend you to consume natural ingredients rather than market food. You need to be choosy when eat meal.

I think the excess is what hurts, a little in some supplement that helps you to take weight, I think it would not hurt. It would be a matter of making a balance.

yes you are right
you have to think about your health because health is life without health nothing in man...Go bless you

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