Dear Diary: My Ringing Ear Issue Is Just HopelesssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health5 years ago


The only time that I am not suffering from my ringing ear is when I am sleeping and also when I am watching movies, Television, or listening to music. All in between is just so bothersome and a torture for me especially when there will be no electric fan, I would get crazy if that would happen.

This issue in my hearing is I believe hopeless because it is just getting worse as months goes by and I think it has to do with possibly toxins in my body that just accumulates and doesn't go out. Also probably might be caused by my bone degeneration because the ear has the smallest bone in the body and if I have an issue of bone demineralisation then it would be the thing or factor that I am looking for.

I Am Scared Of Losing My Hearing

Also it might be my hypertension but it doesn't up as much that it can cause me this kind of discomfort. I am always blogging about this problem of mine because I cannot have an audience around me in my home that really can help me. At least here at steemit community I would get messages of assurance and comfort.

But unless there would be a positive drastic change in my body or a miracle from God only that this ringing ear syndrome of mine will get resolved because I had given up on it and is just waiting for any improvement to come if there ever will be. May God help me.


Oh friend
Tinnitus, can be very annoying.
Yes, really listening to music, with headphones, at low volume, can help.
In some cases it is a side effect of medications.
I will continue to do my prayer, for you ..

Yes I have a touch of it. I try not to think about it actually coz that tends to make it even more present. My ears itch too!!!

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