Dear Diary: It Is A Crazy Weather Going On Here In My Place Like Crypto MarketssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health5 years ago


Just recently I bought Verge at 165 satoshis, quite a relatively cheap price for it at that time. I bought some because I saw its chart and it is quite volatile enough to make some profits to swing trade about it. So I waited for it to go up the it came down a bit, then it pumped but did not get to my order which is higher.

Then I cancelled my sell order and put it in a much lower asking price. Then the price moved up until I thought I just have to ask for a much lower price the third time with a very minimal gains and so my order got executed with lesser profits.



And what do you know? The price spiked at a much higher price than I expected! Well that sucks, I could have profited more if I am just patient enough and is using my brains. But oh well that is the point of this writing, the crypto markets is crazy and it is making me crazy too. It is low today and then it will get higher tomorrow way up there than your expectations.

It is also like the weather here now, it is drizzling with rain but it was hot here the whole night and all day yesterday as well. So now it is getting cooler and I won't be surprised when the weather would turn to a hotter temperatures. Maybe it is just the way that nature is balancing itself because it really is awfully hot yesterday so it made to rain rain here today.

But I am really thankful that the cold season is over because I will no loner be under my blanket all the time because it is hot and dry season now although the weather is crazy enough to rain and make things cooler again at least temporarily.


Then we can enjoy the weather. Rain will make cool and enjoy to stay at home. As we wait the price of steem become better we keep blogging and blogging

God is awesome that is why he always balance things to make them perfect , he balance the weather for our sake and makes it hotter for some time and after some time also he makes it colder with rain. The crypto market is unpredictable at times and it is also very volatile to trade @cryptopie

Can there be any thing more crazy than crypto market

It can be really hard to tell when to cancel the order and place it lower (: I find it's best to cancel half of it and place half at the new price while leaving the other half at the old price.

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface

Yes it is better to do it that way @alexvanaken

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STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 57440.82
ETH 3108.89
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.42