Dear Diary: I Have Now A Mental Stress Coupled With Physical Stress

in #health6 years ago


I probably have to go back to my medical therapy routine for my Parathyroid and it means that I am going to take again the partial godd benefits as well as the wrath of its side effects to my body and wellbeing. And the sad part is I still have a lot of pain and it makes me be a full-blown disabled man who basically cannot walk anymore.

I am now reliant on my pain medications and what it does is that it somehow make me walk a little and without it makes me feel the misery of pain in my feet, hip joints, and tailbone, arms, and backbone which includes the ribs. Further bone changes made me uncomfortable to use a pillow.

My chin and face seemed to grew bigger which also explains why I cannot use the pillow as the chin pokes my chest with pressure. That is why I bought the tablet holder a few days ago so that it will help me to avoid constantly look down. My neck and head sunk down a bit too so its is a mental stress in itself as well.

My online BTC wallet also is doing their KYC protocol and this is the third time that they would do it in my account. It stresses me out to realize that my ID doesn't look like me anymore. So if I would get a problem in my account then it would be a hell of a hassle.


I still have a lot of pain and it makes me be a full-blown disabled man who basically cannot walk anymore.
this is a slap in the face.May the death and resurrection of jesus christ brings you healing and strength.

I still have a lot of pain and it makes me be a full-blown disabled man who basically cannot walk anymore.

Pls ensure safety precautions.A friend of mine was hacked today.

Dear friend, lift that spirit, the power of God is great and in this our faith that soon you will have improvement and your pains will disappear. Remember that the heavier you feel your cross, God will be the Cyrene who will help you carry it. You are always in my prayers. A hug.

You only have to think positive, the power of the mind is real, if you have faith like a mustard seed, everything will be for your benefit, the important thing is to reduce the pain and discomfort, seek support in your family, that will support you from all my heart. do not faint or lose faith. I tell you with all the experience of living with a cancer patient,@cryptopie

god will continue to help you as always and how good bought the tablet holder, that's what it's about looking for solutions to adversities ... God bless you.

Hello cryptopie, how are you? I have not known your condition for a long time. You do not stress, trust everything to God.

Ayy friend try to relax, remember that high blood pressure is harmful to health. Even if things get complicated there will always be reasons to thank and get ahead =)

thinking of you and sending healing vibes

I wish you stay healthy

Wish for you.

Do not stress, relax a bit although I know it must be difficult, God is great and I know that He will help you out of this, have faith, take care that you are well

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