Dear Diary: I Do Think That My Condition Is ImprovingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health5 years ago (edited)


It is apparent that my face enlargement not only stopped getting bigger but it also shrunken a little and is enough to make me lick my lips again after a few years or use a straw without much effort and I hope that I can whistle again too if God wills it, I just missed whistling using my lips to the tune of Axel Rose's (Guns N' Roses Patience song but maybe that ability will be given back to me in the future.

I Need More Patience For My Health and Cryptos

Plus I can also speak and people can understand what I am saying, they no longer say "huh"or "what" when I try to speak to them and the head nurse also told me that I now can be understood when I speak.

That is good because I can now have the ability to chat a bit with my fellow dialysis patients and to my nurses. I couldn't be more happy and I thank God because at least my long-suffering about taking my Cinacalcet (parathyroid medicine) is giving me dividends.

The only drawback about taking my hyperparathyroid drug is that eating is really hard to do as it takes away my appetite. But I am still hopeful that in the near future I will no longer required to take that awful punishing tablet if it will make my parathyroid normal with its hormone pump that caused me to develop a rare bone disorder that is called a Leontiasis which made my appearance and bone condition as ugly as my face.

The good this also is that it is dialyzable, meaning it can be taken out or washed off by dialysis which means that the tablet I am under the medicine's effects 24/7 that is why my condition is improving regarding my bone health as evidenced by the shrinkage of my facial bone.

I am really happy that is why I am careful about my diet too and it is not hard to do that if you really have an appetite issue plus I do take my phosphate binder because it was the phosphorus elevation that caused my parathyroid to go hyper.

I just thank God and the steemians that prays for me continually and heck your prayers for me are being answered. May God bless you all and our community here at steem platform.


Great news my brother, make sure and note your changes over time and keep me posted, would be nice if you can say when you notice those changes and you think attributed to it. It would be nice to get a list of the meals and possible if any new medication and overall events leading up to it.

Sorry for being invasive, I am always keeping up with you, your survival story is amazing and being a dialysis patient makes it even more special

Keep fighting brother

Hi @daudimitch the option for my hyperparathyroidism is either taking my Cinacalcet which is only the drug cure for it or I would undergo parathyroidectomy.
The effects are the same but I will never have to suffer side-effects if I will go for the surgery.
I have read that if hyperparathyroid would get corrected the condition will get stopped or reversed but of course with appearance it will never get back to the former but I am just amazed that a bone overgrowth would reverse a little as I thought it won't.

So I am happy because I know now at least my face won't grow into a very gory thing and it gave me peace of mind.

You can see in this post the before and after a few months of me under medication.

Best regards and God bless you my friend.

That is wonderful news @cryptopie.
I am so happy for you and will always keep on praying for your full recovery, dear friend.

Yes I am thankful to God about it and the prayers from my friends like you.
This is a good sign that at least I know that my facial would not enlarge and in fact it is just shrinking.

I do not know the extent on how much it would shrink because there aren't any much cases like this is happening around the world but I hope it will soon make me do again some of my former ability to eat upright without much trouble or maybe get my parathyroid normalize with its function.
Thank you for all your thoughts prayers and support.
May God bless and his face shine upon you always.
Regards to Jordanzzz :D

cryptopie me alegro de que estes mejorando cada dia, yo te lo dije una vez solo tienes que tener fe que Dios hara el recto. Bendiciones.

Saludos, @cryptopie, que la bendición de Dios te acompañe cada día para que tu salud mejore. Un abrazo.

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