Dear Diary: I Am Craving For Fruits Again

in #health6 years ago


This is what I bought a few days ago, the Longan fruit

I wanted to eat fruits but it is not that easy to find one around since I live in a village and we just have to go near the main hi-way for us to at least discover one that sells. The main fruit here is the banana and there are a few that is sold but I do not like eating bananas very often.

Maybe if my seller would sell some apples I would order a few kilos and the fruits that I have ordered before were consumed immediately because they are delicious. Now I am craving for apples, I just like the sweet and juicy ones. Some apples are like a pulp inside and not juicy nor sweet. A good apple is sweet and delicious to eat.

I remember my high school classmate in our class, that was around 1992 and after his father went home from abroad they were given some apples. I saw him secretly putting his head inside his bag which is hooked at the back of our classmate's chair in front of him and than he was chewing something after that. It was his apple that he was gouging unto.

It was reminiscent of when my father went home from abroad too, there were some few fruits that he brought home, some chocolates, and a few other items, nit much because he was just a mechanic with a very little paycheck which bridged our needs as a family.

Now I just told mother to buy me some pineapple juice instead and it may not be a better option for now but I like it than just drinking coffee or softdrink, at least it has some nutrition in it and it is a great thing that I can enjoy it ice cold from my Thermos.


I hope this is your favorite fruit my friend . You like to eat this fruit .

The fruits are delicious and very nutritious. I like to eat more than making juices with them. In my country, which has a tropical climate, mango is very tasty and it is so rich and nutritious that it is my favorite snack and for many its main food.

Definitely the apples are delicious, although for the expensive ones that are in my country for a long time that like one, but I give you the reason they are divine!

I have apple trees and pear trees. I wonder what the cost would be to send them to you.

Superb post good job

Longans are great, we get them sometimes.

Certainly pineapple juice is better for you because it does not affect your sleep schedule as at other times! You made a great choice

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