Dear Diary: God Bless This Day Because I Won't Take Analgesics Today

in #health6 years ago


Today is different because it is my dialysis once again (I had been a dialysis patient since December 2001) and this time I won't betaking my analgesics because of the awful side -effects it was doing to my ears as it makes it ring and it is very uncomfortable.

Anyway the other day I tried not to take it for the first time thinking that maybe I can do without it. So it was a success I was able to use the bathroom with a relatively lower effort. The only problem really was my being so waterlogged all the time which affects my breathing.

So I will be using the bathroom now later this morning and I think that I can do it since my tailbone seems to be improving thanks to God. I am just thankful to little improvements in my health although I think I might still get worse as months go by but I am still fighting and clinging to hope that may still things will get better.

But again my hip joint is still not cooperating and the only reason for it was my overactive parathyroid that really doesn't respond fully to my parathyroid medication that is an issue because of its prohibitive cost but thanks to steemit that at least I can afford to purchase it for my bones so that they won't ache much.


Wow it’s so hard when the medicine that helps you with pain makes you have other problems :(
Thank god your tailbone is better. Praying for strength and motivation to keep pushing forward!
May the love of God flow through you and give you peace.

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