Dear Diary: Another Health Problem Knocked Unto My Door Today And It Was This Vertigo

in #health7 years ago (edited)


I am so bothered by Vertigo. I had it before and it wasn't so pleasant, in fact I like pain than this so debilitating condition. When you are suffering from a vertigo you get a sensation of a spinning head and then as if you will lose consciousness and that is what I am feeling today. I am just stiff on my bed not rolling on my side or I might vomit in dizziness if not poop in my pants because of that.

I suspect that my blood pressure is very high and I do not know if that were the case because I do not have any blood pressure monitor that I can use at this moment to verify that. I may have to wait this one to wear off and I will just sweat it out until it leaves me. There is a medication for this but maybe I won't purchase a medicine if this won't go away.

I am just scared when I get dizzy because it makes me think that if I lose consciousness then that's it. Death is a rest for me but I still have to accomplish things for my loved ones not only for myself. I do have some mountainous medical problems that I have to solve but I also have the task to make the lives of my parents better that is why I am striving to reach my goals thanks to steemit friends here it may get a possibility soon.

I just hope that this vertigo is transient and is just a complication of dialysis. If it was a sign of another impending health problem then it is something that I have to try to manage because no one could help me but myself only. I am just so fortunate enough that I managed to pull it off and I survived this long thanks to my friends whom most I never even me in my life but they are the ones changing my life for the better.

I am also hoping to last until I get to accomplish some of my plans for my parents than I can rest. I cannot do anything anyway in my life like travelling, making a family of my own, or just exploring the world. All I got is the online world and my friends out there , God bless and keep you all.


Vertigo is an indication relating to the head..spevifically to the brain or ear.
This is quite surprising.
I need you to belief in God.
You will overcome

It’s realy sad to hear you have to go through this pain again. I noticed, In part you are your own doctor. I’m not really surprised after you went through everything.
Hope you blood pressure goes down soon.
Get well!

Vertigo have to end soon.Don't give up,@cryptopie remember that we always will support you!

Ugh, I'm so sorry to hear that. I know the feeling of being semi-okay with where you're at, only to have another issue come up. That's really tough. You're amazing though! Thanks for sharing.

I hope the vertigo will subside. I have vertigo on occasion and it is a scary feeling but just try to put your mind on your projects that you feel need completion. Prayers for you going forward.

Praying for it to subside @cryptopie.

I belive this is just for the main time.....You were made for a reason and you will accomplish them in jesus name!. nothing can stop that

Hello and how was your health? Just believe that everything is in beer God's control... And most especially, be prayerful

Vetigo would end. Have strong faith and never give up

god willing!!

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