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Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most widely used teas after black tea. The taste of green tea itself is not much different from the black tea we often consume. But it turns out that the price for green tea is slightly more expensive than ordinary tea. This is because green tea has a high content of antioxidants called polyphenols as well as low caffeine. Antioxidant itself is a compound that can help nourish our body, such as tightening the skin and preventing it from the signs of premature aging.

Many studies have proven that routinely consume green tea can reduce the risk of heart disease, psycho-healthy because the tea effect itself can be used to calm down. In addition to polyphenols, green tea also contains flavonoids, phytochemicals that have anticarsinogenic and antioxidative properties.

In addition the benefits of tea leaves are also used in some health products, such as green tea extracts in beauty products. There are also dietary tips that advocate people who diet for routine daily green tea to help burn fat. In one cup of 150ml green tea, it can burn 25-30 calories, and every 250 ml of tea can burn 40 calories. Although diet with green tea is not very significant, but if balanced with exercise and dietary adjustments will certainly accelerate the diet program.
Here are some of the benefits of green tea for our body's health that we should understand. In order to start now we can change our healthy lifestyle. It does not matter if every day we copy, but if consuming too much coffee will have an adverse effect on our body's health. Therefore we have to balance with tea consumption. If coffee will spur our performance because of high content of caffeine, then with green tea we can soothe our body.

Benefits of Green Tea for Health and Beauty

Maintain skin health

As mentioned above, green tea has the content of polyphenols and other antioxidants. consuming green tea every day helps to nourish the skin, prevent skin from premature aging, appearance of fine lines on the face, tighten the skin, remove dullness on the face.

Avoid the risk of baldness

This hair health problem most commonly occurs in women. Hair loss problems and fractures are caused by hair less nutrition. Here is the role of green tea that helps menutris hair. Therefore there are some products of shampoo and hair care that use green tea extract.

Eliminate acne

One of the benefits of a tea mask is to overcome acne on the face. Acne is a facial problem that is often caused by blockage in skin pores. One of the factors is that dust and pollution make the face dull due to dirt and cause acne to appear. Therefore the most effective way is to use a green tea mask to remove acne. Additionally if you want to be simple, look for face cleanser products that contain green tea extract.

Lose weight

Benefits of green tea to lose weight are no strangers, Many diet programs advocate for green tea to accelerate fat burning in the body. In one cup of 150ml green tea, it can burn 25-30 calories, and every 250 ml of tea can burn 40 calories. Although diet with green tea is not very significant, but if balanced with exercise and dietary adjustments will certainly accelerate the diet program.

Set blood sugar pressure

In the world of treatment, especially those who use herbs such as Chinese medicine. Green tea has a function to regulate blood sugar pressure. Consumption of green tea every day besides healthy skin as well as skin, also healthy inside the body.

Green tea reduces the risk of cancer

The antioxidant content in green tea, is believed to be better than vitamin e content. This high anti-oxidant function also helps to healthy every cell we have and avoids the risk of cancer because of the consumption of foods that contain many harmful chemicals every day. Benefits of green tea to reduce the risk of cancer can be seen in the following data;

a. Breast Cancer

One of the most common types of cancer in women, an analysis of observational studies states that women who like to drink green tea have a 22% lower risk compared to women who do not consume green tea.

b. Prostate Cancer

The most common cancer in this man is a serious threat to every man. If you want to reduce the risk, regularly drink green tea because studies have shown that men who drink green tea have a 48% lower risk than men who do not consume green tea.

c. Colorectal Cancer

This study is based on an analysis of 69710 women in China. From the study it was stated that green tea drinkers had a 57% lower risk of developing colorectal cancer than those who did not drink green tea.

Reduce residual heart disease and cholesterol

Green tea helps prevent damage to our body's channel leading to vital organs such as the heart and brain. The content in this green tea will help lower the bad cholesterol in the body, cleansing the body's channels so as not to inhibit blood circulation due to cholesterol that can cause high blood pressure.

Green tea to ward off free radicals

Ever notice why Japanese women are still beautiful, have a tempting body, and still look toned? Japanese women's beauty secrets can not escape the tradition of drinking their green tea. It's no secret if consuming green tea will help you win the free radicals of premature aging. So have many proofs of green tea benefits for beauty, when will it begin to routinely drink green tea?

Improve the performance and ability of the brain

Green tea is not only beneficial to the outside of our body alone. However green tea is believed to improve our brain performance. Green tea contains caffeine like coffee, but in fewer sizes. The lesser caffeine content is safer for our health. This caffeine content will help improve neurotransmitters like dopamine and noreponefrin, as well as memory and brain refinement.

Green tea reduces the risk of alzheimer and parkinson

Surely you are familiar with these two diseases. Both are related to the health of our nervous tissue. Alzheimer's is caused by blockage, often caused by head fat obstruction, which causes the sufferer to lose weight and lose control of his motor function. While parkinson is a disease that causes the sufferer to decrease motor skills. The signs of the body are often trembling when not active.

However, these two diseases can be avoided by regularly consuming green tea. This is due to catechin content that helps build defense systems in neurons especially in the brain.

Eliminate headache

Have you had a headache and have taken medicine but did not get it? Start now away from medicine and start drinking tea for headaches. The fact is that many people recover only with tea. Serve a glass of warm tea, try a teaspoon of tea that is not sac and still in the form of tea leaves. As previously noted, if green tea has the benefit of helping to soothe.

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