How to use Urtica to wash your dry hair

in #health8 years ago

  My mother first suggested me to use Urtica’s tea to wash my head. As soon as I moved to the countryside one year ago she – who did grow up in the countryside – explained me the various, fabulous, use of Urtica (stinging nettles): “You can make pasta with it, you can prepare risotto, you can brew wonderful teas – and, if you wash your head with it, your hair will get healthy and shiny!”. I tried it just this year, as one of the many experiments I did to take care of my head. In fact, I often felt some discomfort related to my scalp. It dries up very quickly, get itchy and produce dandruff.  Causes may be different: some say it’s because of food, some because of air pollution, others say it’s because of “too many thoughts”(by the way, they say you can figure out when a dog is not feeling well when its hair are dry). I noticed that between my male friends it’s quite a common problem.That’s why I decided to share what I learned. Don’t get scared, I’m not going to show you awful pictures of my own scalp! I’ll just describe the process that I follow.  

In fact, I had great results. Since a couple of months I wash my head with Urtica once a week, on Friday usually. After the first time, my scalp began to produce sebum again. Actually it produced *a lot* of sebum and I felt my hairs greasy. From the second-third week sebum regularize. Now I feel very good and it’s definitely one of the experiments that I consider successful. What I learned is that Urtica stimulate the natural production of sebum and help the scalp not to dry up. 

This is not a post meant to treat your disease. Keep in mind that I’m just a cryptofarmer who really like to do experiments. So it’s meant for people who *feel* that Urtica is right for their hairs, whose scalp dries up very quickly and who doesn’t get any results from normal shampoos. By the way, did you know that a no-poo movement exist?   

How to prepare the Urtica’s shampoo

First - you have to recognize an Urtica. There’s a very simple way but it will sting your hands. Better if you take a look at @papa-pepper detailed article and remember how the plant looks like.    

Second - you have to fill a small pot with Urtica leaves. I usually cut the first part of the plant, a palm under the top.  

Third - fill the pot with water and turn the burner on. It should boil for at least five minutes. Let it cool down. 

 Fourth - put the leaves in a nylon sock.

Five; use the Urtica-socket to rub your hair and be happy.    

I usually wash my hair naked; here I kept dressed for scientific purpose

This is @cryptofarmer, all pictures are taken from myself or my wife and I wish you to take good care of your scalp and hair. Remember to enjoy the process, like if you were taking a special care for your head. When the body signals a discomfort, it's asking for your attention and time.

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