Why your health professional is just perfectly wrong . . .

in #health8 years ago

Today I am not biased, I am just against things that seem counter-intuitive; how did humanity stay alive long enough to evolve into this unhealthy species. Simply the unfitness came about after modern healthcare and modern diets . . .


The answer is everyone is bombed with pushed and pulled by arguing experts. Today we live in the information age, today its about getting the message out; some people even want the message heard ! But reality says; in today's modern world the key ingredient is the actual message process . . . With the importance of broadcasting the message no one really gets around to checking the contents of that message.


So today you can read ' coffee causes cancer ' this is not to be confused with last week when the message was " coffee reduces your cancer risk ". In the western world every job that can be sent overseas has gone overseas. These jobs that cannot easily be exported have imported people doing them if the local workforce do not really want those jobs. So today people must make work for themselves and this includes your medical and health professionals.


Firstly let us consider the history of this, for years little mini-gods got to run their hospitals. Their word was law and people lived and people died. Over time people decided to question these health professionals and it was regularly revealed they were simply wrong; worse it often turned out that they had not updated their care plans for many many many years. As healthcare got more complex and expensive people reasoned that best practice would be provable by scientific evidence.


The new money making field of research came into being. Today the vast majority of anything you read relating to health is simply wrong. I do not say this; actually I do say this, and have said it for many years. The difference today is the sheer amount of different authoritative and high integrity groups saying virtually everything health related is wrong.


I want to keep this post simple but think about this, a doctor goes to Medical School for about 4 years, add in another 3 years prior to medical college and another three years after college. This means the human sum of humanity is learned fully in 10 years, now any scientist will tell you the human body is as complex as all the Stars in the universe. How does insulin interact with cortisol, what is the Glomerus Filtration Rate for an Asain lady who is 36 weeks pregnant who has a Blood Pressure of 125/90 ? etc .etc.


To suggest that doctors or health professionals can have even a moderate understanding of the complexity of human life would mean that Astronomers have all the answers of how the universe, Galaxies and planets were made. It is silly to think that but people rarely think of health matters so the expect a doctor to know all the answers. This applies to all the health professions.


Today teenagers have heart disease, obesity is the new social norm, no longer can models be thin because of eating disorders, diabetes and lap band surgery. This is caused due to prescription drugs being so widely prescribed, the reasoning is if someone takes time off to visit the doctor they need a medicine to get better . . . Simply today drugs are huge business and many prescribers are simply government licenced drug dealers.


The best way to stay health is to avoid the three things that are advertised today, FEAR, PROPAGANDA and MARKETING. Now it is difficult if you have epilepsy or some other illness that requires treatment but most other treated conditions are simply treated because the health care profession need the work. Health care is about making money it is not about making society a healthier populous nation.


If you get sick strongly try and avoid care that seems excessive or prolonged. If you get expert opinion understand it is most likely wrong or incomplete or miscommunicated ! ! ! Many times diagnoses are actually misdiagnoses, remember the human body is designed to balance itself out. Human society did not simply wake up one day with epidemics of IBS, obesity, diabetes, vascular disease, lactose intolerance, crohn's disease, childhood allergies, food allergies. This is because of the stresses or your work and financial and social life coupled with the poisons added to your foods as well as the hugely complex drugs licenced by your government in the name of profit.


So simply avoid or reduce everything you can, try natural or alternative therapies, believe no one; anything anyone tells you is normally in error. Sure you need checkups for things like Blood Pressure but that does not mean you cannot rely short term on things like antihypertensives. But long term most things are simply unnecessary.


As a general rule if you are unsure of the quality of information this simple test might help, if it is published after 1975 then it most likely is wrong. Sure you can try and find quality websites with proven long term reputations but remember these are either privately owned or controlled by people with professional business goals . . .


Simply the more you look into this topic the more authoritative sources will show you that your family health relies upon avoiding the health care professions, remember people are living longer; but they are getting much sicker at much younger ages ! ! !

You will love this first one :(









Thanks Pixabay for the images : )

Who are you networking with ; )


I could not agree more with your post. Well written. I try to live that way. I never visit professionals and ask them for advice. They just want your money. 95 % of all health problems is in peoples heads.

Yes; the trouble is when the main things you sell are fear, propaganda and marketing over time some people become immune and others become to fearful to try and do anything.

Thus people become very compliant obedient little sheep who have absolutely no ability to think or act positively for themselves. Simply give up listening because it is all to hard, so whenever a real proven message arrives, no one is tuned in to hear that message; it is lost in all the money making noise . . .

I agree with pretty much everything, although I have a slightly more positive view of the individual doctors and nurses,etc, as I think they are mostly well intentioned as individuals.
In relation to living more healthy lives, I think that avoiding stress is essential.
And in order to avoid stress we need to avoid unwanted wage labour. So we need a basic income, in order to refuse to do the jobs that are bad for us.
Or what do you think?
And of course, we should all consume less of the media that is trying to brainwash us in detrimental ways, affecting what and how we eat, showing ads for harmful medications and so on.

I think anyone is ineffective when they are working from the wrong information. No matter how dedicated the person if the premise they are using to form their theory or action is flawed then they cannot succeed except by pure accident.

Many health professionals are highly trained and competently following the wrong game plan. Thus people must think more about their health prior to getting sick and avoid big business at almost all costs. People need to take command of their own destiny instead of simply letting others harm them and then screaming they need compensation for the next eight hundred years ! ! !

It is a regular feature in many places people can afford accommodation, utilities or food, but rarely all three at once. You cannot have good health nor good mental health nor a quality society if people can only afford two of the three essentials listed above. Every person should be given just enough gold to buy the absolute minimum things needed for life, if they choose to waste that on drugs then that is their problem.

I believe society is wrong to try and help people who are voluntarily addicted to drugs or whatever but ignore helping other citizens who are simply unable to get an even chance to rebuild their lives from some setback.

However when 75 % of the population lacks any regular financial stability then they are unable to participate and support the economy; so whatever I think is irrelevant. When three quarters of society is technically bankrupt the voice of one little minnow is about as loud as a fart in the ocean; simply the economy cannot prosper as it shrinks it is " game over " ! ! !

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