my 2018 bucket list

in #health7 years ago (edited)

it's a happy talent to know how to play
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I've given thought to things I'd like to do rather than things I'd like to change.

Doing versus changing might be a semantic distinction but there is a psychological mind jump between the two.


Change makes me rebellious. If I make up my mind to change l will fight against myself and mostly experience failure, not always, but mostly and it's unpleasant.

Doing or planning an activity is easier to accept. Why? There is an immediate reward for doing something pleasant.


So in this light I made a bucket list for 2018 rather than the typical traditional New Year's resolution list. After all, I don't want to be a rebel to myself.

There are 12 months in a year so my bucket will hold 12 enjoyable things to do.

I will say yes to —

reading 1 book per month, any book even a children's story
1 day trip per week
hiking new parts of the Bruce Trail
technology free weekends
eating one more vegetable each day
laughing out loud no matter where I am
being spontaneous
picnics and badminton
night walking with flashlights
hot chocolate while watching the night sky
getting on a plane again



does not stop death,
it stops life

Brene Brown

photos - Pixabay


I like the idea of bucket list rather than resolutions for New Years. Hmmm. Perhaps night walks on the beach or camp out in the mountains away from city lights to just lie there and sky watch...

Ya....those sound great too @cecicastor.

That's a great looking list you have there. I may refer to it when I get to plan my 2018. :D

You can one of my buckets too :)

Sounds like a great bucket list for next year. I tried to read a book a month this year. Not sure if I succeeded. I quit keeping track, but I know I did it if homeschool and kid books count. ;) Adult books...I did better than I ever have before and read some great books. :) Hopefully you can accomplish what you've planned for next year!

Yes, I hope so too. Being playful isn't as easy as it sounds. I always feel great after I do something fun.

Here's to being carefree !!! Thanks for your insights!

I think I'm going to have to try out the night walks with flashlights. We live in a gated neighborhood in Panama, but we are rarely out at night. Getting out with a flashlight might be fun for the kids. :)

Oh it's so fun. We used to do it with our grandkids - we bought them cheap flashlights and glo sticks. Lots of fun.

That is fun! I have some glowsticks! Great idea! :)

Oh please take much fun!

Technology free weekends and night walking with flashlights sounds like a blast. I see lots of activity this coming year. :)

We did the flashlight walks through the little trail along a creek bed last was very memorable. And we play with glo sticks in the dark....that too was fun. We have to remain like kids even when we are old "er" "ish". :)

Glo sticks in the dark, you are speaking to my inner child. I mean, God does call us His children and not His adults. :)

It's amazing how quickly we revert to childishness when we play....sometimes I get way too silly....but the laugh is worth it :) And you're right, we are his children, that's going to be your excuse then and you're stuck with it....and I want photos.

Interesting - Doing implies planning and behind planning might be the desire to change. Sort of like disguising vegetables in a meal - it's good for you but not distasteful... if like me you balk at eating/doing what's good for you lol

I agree with you bro. Thumbs Up!!

No, no, no......doing means doing. The focus is on fun or enjoyable things. Change is a focus on something negative you no longer want....which is why you rebel. Nothing hidden.

The end result is a change in a routine or health or mindset.

The best thing one should do. I love it since I first heard about it in a movie. A nice list you have, and I think you will be able to do it without hesitation.

This kind of goes along with some of your recent posts. Thanks for being part of it.

That's why we go along so great. Redheads think alike.😉 And thank you for all these wonderful posts.

lol....I forgot we were "sisters"....that's right. Red heads make great posts too.

Indeed, fear can not stop death.. Fear will stop life.. I love the part of no technology in the weekend and reading 1 book per month..

Me too.....I look forward to no technology starting next weekend. One book a month is a conservative goal and that's what I went for - stress free goals. :)

Night walks with flashlights. That's a good one. Rattle Snake Point on the Bruce trail was one of my favourite spots as a kid. my dad would take me their for pic nics and I got climb around in the caves.

Hey @solarguy.....haven't talked to you in a while - hope you're well :)

Rattle Snake Point - ya that is a nice trail - we get a lot of tv production there lately. Sounds like good memories for you. Merry Christmas if I don't see you online here.

Great idea writing out a list! My husband and I have been working on setting new goals for the coming year! I really like your idea of taking 1 day trip a week. It is so important to get out and explore, especially if you have children.
The world is a wonderful place and just waiting for us to explore it.

We are retired now, so making sure we get out do stuff is so important. The days slip away fast. Getting out when you have kids is important too - you need adult conversation sometimes :)

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