CONTROVERSIAL Video Claims Type 2 Diabetes Can Be Reversed!

in #health8 years ago

I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes at just 39-years old.  Although there is a history of the disease in my family, I did not take eat healthy or exercise properly.  In other words, I ignored the fact that the possibility of developing Diabetes was almost 100%.  Shame on me.  That's my mistake and I own it.

However, I decided that I was not going to let this disease define me, and I also resigned myself to the fact that I would have to make some serious lifestyle changes if I was going to stand a chance of beating it.  Yes, that's right.  I said beating it.

You see, the mainstream medical community would have you believe that Diabetes is a degenerative disease, meaning that no matter how well you manage it, it's only going to get worse with age and require more and more medication.

While most people have accepted this as fact, I have not.  I'm not alone in this belief, either.  Not only do many people with the disease subscribe to this philosophy, many physicians do as well.

You see, the pharmaceutical industry makes BILLIONS of dollars from the sale of Diabetes drugs.  I don't have the actual numbers on hand, but I believe these drugs are their second or third largest income producer.  Is that to say that they want you to get sick?  Well, that depends on who you ask.

I do know that the American Diabetes Association website claims that in 2012, diagnosed Diabetes resulted in $176 billion in direct medical costs. That’s a lot of money! Can you imagine what would happen if doctors changed their stance and began to treat diabetes as a reversible condition instead of a progressive illness? The end result would mean a huge dip in profits for just about everyone involved in the pharmaceutical industry. 

The point is that with major changes to your diet, exercise habits, and overall frame of mind, many people believe that Diabetes is a temporary condition which can actually be reversed.  Sounds crazy, right?  Well, it's really not as crazy as you might think, and it's backed by science.

 In this video, Dr. Sarah Hallberg explains why it may be prudent for diabetics to begin “ignoring the guidelines” set forth by agencies like the American Diabetes Association.  I like Dr. Hallberg because she seems to believe, like I do, that diabetes is an epidemic

 If you are pre-diabetic or a diagnosed diabetic, you should watch this entire video. In summary, Dr. Hallberg is recommending a low carbohydrate diet. In fact, she states that “our minimum daily requirement for carbohydrates is zero.” Do I think diabetics should cut carbs completely? Well, not really, and neither does Dr. Hallberg. She makes the point that “low carbs is not no carbs.” I do believe that you should have some carbohydrates in your diet, but it needs to be significantly lower than the accepted dietary guidelines for diabetics state. 

The following video will provide you with a lot of facts and information that may just get you thinking differently about how Diabetes should be treated.

Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Starts With Ignoring The Guidelines

I really hope you enjoyed this article and found it informative and helpful.  Diabetes is not just a disease.  It's an EPIDEMIC!  I think one of the main ways to prevent Diabetes and lower the percentage of people who are being diagnosed with this disease is education.  If you or a friend or family member are diagnosed with Diabetes, my advice would be to do lots of research and ask lots of questions.  It doesn't have to be a degenerative condition!

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