Studies Show Sitting At A Desk All Day May Increase Risk For Dementia

in #health6 years ago

New study finds sitting at a desk or watching television all day may increase the risk of brain damage and dementia.

Are you one of those people that sit in front of a screen all day working or watching television? You may think you're having fun or being productive, but you're actually causing serious damage to your brain and your body. There have been cases before of people sitting and playing games too long that ended up dying, which if you're doing something in the same position and spot for that long without moving or anything then you're just asking for it. An article from The Telegraph stated:

While researchers have known for some time that sedentary behaviour is bad for physical health, raising the risk of heart disease, diabetes and early death, it is the first study to show it could also influence mental wellbeing.
Scientists at the University of California recruited 35 people aged between 45 and 65 and questioned them about how many hours per day they spent sitting down over the previous week.
Each then underwent a brain scan to specifically look an area known as the medial temporal lobe which is crucial to the formation of new memories.


So keep this in mind when you want to put in those extra hours at work, or plan on bingeing your favorite show on TV or the internet. You could be doing serious damage to your body and mind. Everything in moderation. Be well!

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Over the past couple years, my time in front of a computer increased and I can see that my focus is not what it used to be.

Productivity and exercise need to be a balance.

You have to keep that balance or your health will decline like he said.

At least 30 minutes of exercise will do wonders for you

One more reason to go outside now and then. Get some sun.

I believe it. I can see that in some of my family members

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