in #health7 years ago (edited)

THE VEDICS have used this extremely powerful meditation

darkness retreat is the most powerful , transcendant meditation of all.
you plunge yourself in the total dark and contemplate within.
the pineal gland is activated after 24h shining your own inner light.

A retreat is normally 3 weeks to reprogram the brain
but you can start with 3 days and do more and more .


along with a darkness retreat , you should learn how to fast , water fasting during a DR is most potent .

you can stay in total silence if your environment allows you to .
you will notice many things , many spirits and languages and different unknown ( in the 3D ) vibrations

DR have changed my life and perception..i started 10 years ago.
you can do it anywhere and anytime .

it is for me the most potent contemplation one can experience .

i have done all types of plants , all were very powerful but nothing compared to a DR
weirdly enough , nothing compare even to DMT or AYAHUASCA or MESCALIN or LSD
Because in there, no push/help with any types of plants or people .

you will see your soul and answer so many questions

after you pass the 5 days mark , all is easier and personnaly i could stay months into it .

it reprograms your brain, your glandular system , your hormonal system , cleans the pineal gland perfectly ( when you do full length )

facing your fears, love and ego .

another great way to open and clean your pineal gland is sun gazing ..at sunrise and sunset ( most potent ) 5 min each is already good .


The vedics were around 130 people and it was their very serious practice .
The Monks are doing it as a regular practice as well ...( read about Dzogchen ) the only difference is , they eat while doing it ...
I have tried in different ways and the water fasting ( dry fast too ) is really the strongest and best way .

i have started it naturally , as an inner call , ten years ago it was so powerful already .
i saw myself surrending the earth with other Monks and Shamans we were sending pink energy and praying all together
then some chinese people came in the middle of the circle and sprayed rice onto the earth while dancing .
we were all chanting very seriously .
my pineal gland was going insane , kissing me non stop ( you feel it as a white physical light on your front head )

and i didnt know , i did it while the world was partying for earth day !


ALL is connected .

if you have any questions please feel free to ask .


Nice share!

thank you :)

Awesome Share, thank you resteemed upvoted
we are all one

i have a few friends who have done this for 6 weeks! They each had an amazing time! I'm sure ill never understand what they went through.

I'm upvoting as i think this can really help people. Personally I think it's not for me though!

it is for everyone , the power of it is directly directed to higher powers and God .
maybe you are not ready now but maybe one day you will be .
yes, when you pass the 5 days all is very much easier since you find yourself in a different reality ...you are never in the dark though , as you see tons of stuff and so much light , it can be tough sometimes as you dont know if your eyes are closed or opened , if you sleep or are awake ..but SO MUCH BEAUTY ...
thank you for your upvote :) ..Blessings

Following you now.
What you write is very interesting. I wasn't aware that there is a dark retreat in the veda tradition.
Going into darkness and experiencing phenomena like the natural light transcends sectarian religions. That's also what is so great because the whole point is not following some dogma but experiencing our true natural wisdom.

exactly ! it is the best way ... and if we had to count on our senses only , no food , no water , no plants ... and everyone would do it at the same time ...woot woot ! it would be Magical !

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