My Year of Honour - Week 2 Update Pain, Milk & QAK

in #health7 years ago


Instead of resolutions, I have given my year a theme. Honour. My focus is on my health, but I choose to honour all aspects of my life. My dreams, goals, relationships, friendships, work, sense of adventure ... everything. This is week 2.

Week 2 was another week of pain or I should say 5 days of pain. I have been blessedly pain-free (relatively speaking) for 2 days now. Thank goodness. Pain is, well, painful. So, once again I listened to/honoured my body and held off on the new exercise routine. Although I did get out my regular walks. Check out the view on this day.


BUT This week it changes. I’ve written Gym on the day timer and everything. I’m packing my gym bag tonight and I’m off in search of the treadmill with my name on it on Tuesday. This week I vow to sweat.

Last week was another check in with the Naturopath. Everything is on track. She gave me a recipe for Golden Milk to drink daily to help with my inflammation. My Ketone diet is ketoning like it’s supposed to. I was weighed and measured and requested I not be told the results. I’m not really interested. Is that weird?

ali.jpgI know me enough to know I’d probably beat myself up and who wants to live through that? I’m the Mohammed Ali of self-beating so I think I’ll keep that butterfly/sting locked up.

I’m itching to get to the gym and I promise to look into a Yoga class. I will admit the thought of yoga scares me a little. The intelligent woman inside me knows it’s the right move. The self-preserving side of me is digging in her heels. Who will win this battle? Brains or brawn?

I know its important that I find a class with A) a good instructor and B) Gentle Yoga … emphasis on Gentle. We’ll see what unfolds.

So that’s my health update for week 2.

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