Toddler in Vegetative State within 24 hours of Vaccination: EEG Scan revealed Strokes (VaxXed Stories, Florida)

in #health8 years ago (edited)

"The VaxXed Team is Changing the World and Saving Lives!" says Maureen van Hoek, the injured child's mother.

"Before VaxXed, I did not know all these people. Now I have people that I can lean on; right here in Tampa there are 35-40 of us. "

"We are here to make changes and save lives, so that others don't have to suffer the way that my son and other like him have."

Jan van Hoek was injured at 20-months-old when he got a a total of 7 vaccines on the same day. He is now 9-yrs-old and autistic.

You can see how his eyes are glazed and changed after the vaccinations below. This is common in pictures shown by parents of their child before and after the vaccinations that pushed them into autism.

Below is a younger picture of him before the vaccines.

And here he is today.

Below is the original interview with the mother, but the boy Jan, kept asking to go home and interrupting the interview. It was clearly difficult for him to cope being out in public. To see an uniterrupted interview, continue on further down and watch the 2nd interview instead.

One day she had a vibrant boy, then within 24 hours of multiple vaccinations at 20-months-old ...

little Jan was in a vegetative state.

No eye contact; his eyes were glazed over.

For a long time he would just sit and drool would just pour out of him.

Within three months he had four blown eardrums.

It took six months to get a referral to a Neurologist. He went in for an EEG scan and the report came out that he had had multiple strokes. Strokes are called "Ischemia" on the Vaccine Package Inserts list of Adverse Reactions.

Today he still has mini-strokes.

The Neurologist report showed that it was related to the vaccines.

    PLEASE, PLEASE Watch This 12-minute Youtube Interview below of Jan's mom.

My Thoughts @canadian-coconut

A few days ago I did a post called Spotting The Vaccine-Free Child where I talked about Dr. Andrew Moulden's work on how many children these days are having strokes from vaccines, and that you can spot it in their faces.

Since writing that article, I started hearing parents mention on Periscope that their child had a stroke after vaccinations. I shared another child stroke story in my article, Healthy Toddler Has a Stroke.

Vaccines are causing so many, many problems ... and people aren't talking about it enough ... doctors rarely admit it ... and the CDC has committed FRAUD on their M.M.R./Autism Study of 2004. They used that study to say that the "science was settled" that vaccines don't cause autism.

A Whistleblower Scientist at the C.D.C. came forward and provided 10,000 documents to prove that they made him alter the data and lie on the Study. This fraud is bigger than Watergate, but the media still isn't talking about it. Watch the movie, "VaxXed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe" to learn more about this C.D.C. Fraud.

For More Vaccine Injury Stories, Visit My Blog And Follow Me: @canadian-coconut


For all of you vaccine lovers out there, I put this to you. Why do you think it is that arguably the most corrupt of our society (politicians) support vaccines? Why do you trust the lives of your children to a government politician that lies as a common course of action to receive votes? If you haven't figured out yet, the government does not have your best interests in mind. It is all about money and power, of which most people have neither. So pull your head out and do some real research. Don't let government do all your thinking for you. Thanks @canadian-coconut, you are doing a great service. Keep it up!

You are welcome @celsius100. I'm glad that there are people like you that appreciate these messages. Hopefully this message gets more and more out to a larger general audience. It's a hard topic for people to start re-thinking what they have been told. I didn't want to look into it at first either. But I'm sure glad that I did before my first child was born.

For all you anti-vaxxer's out there, I put this to you. Why do you think that arguably the most corrupt of our society (lawyers who paid for studies) support anti-vaccination?

That goes both ways.. It is not logic, it's fallacy. Just because a politician lies about some things, does not mean they lie about everything. Nor are politicians any more likely to be corrupt than anyone else. Priests cover up child rape, CEO's cover up basically everything, middle managers cover up fraud... you can't believe anything at all once you go down that road, because you're not evaluating the information you're evaluating the messenger and there's always a way to find the messenger lacking.

EDIT: Furthermore I'm not listening to politicians, but to doctors, researchers and any information I've googled. Maybe you'll listen to Penn and Teller, they're Libertarians and hate government too:

Lawyers did not pay for the original findings that were published in one of the most respected medical journals in the world - the Lancet (British). 12 experts signed off on that report and they were amongst the best in the world in their fields of expertise.

Wakefield alone had published 144 studies prior to the Lanset publishing the vaccine/autism study . After the study was released Big Pharma, Gov't and the medical boards started a propaganda campaign to discredit the report and smear the names of the people that had conducted it.

They applied enormous pressure on all 12 experts and asked them to retract and remove themselves from the report or they would be struck off of the medical register. 10 of them bowed their knees to their Big Pharma Masters and saved their careers. 2 of them stood by the report and were stripped of their medical licenses. That quite an incentive to get doctors to do whatever you want them to do.

The lawyers came along after the 2 experts lost their practically everything and the lawyers offered to fund further studies.

oooooo, penn and teller, now that's some scientific evidence!

It's more scientific than anything anti-vaxxer's have ever posted.

totally sciencey. in a propaganda infotainment sorta way.

Much more "sciencey" than anything you or the rest of the anti-vaxx crowd has presented. Which is what I said before, so why didn't you present some actual scientific evidence in response? Oh right, there is none.

i've tried to discuss this with you before. it just ends up with you justifying your ignorance with cherry picked info. i do not think there is hope for your brain. if you actually wanted the information that challenges you it is readily available. you don't, and nothing i can say is going to change a one track mind.

You go Gurl! Keep writing this stuff. It pisses me off that you are not getting a better following. Maybe after awhile and your persistence. Don't stop!!

Thank-you @loveon. I'll keep at it and hopefully ... "they will come".
All the best and thanks for the encouragement!

Multiple vaccinations and vaccinations while sick seem to increase the likelihood of damage.

thanks for sharing this! we don't know nearly enough about what is even in these vaccines, or the real purposes behind pushing so many

Thank-you for your support @markrmorrisjr.

Great what you do here. Thank you

Thank-you katyakov for your regular support. You are very welcome!

Yay, more people spreading bullshit that wull ultimately get people killed! I hope the money you earn is truly worth it when a bunch of kids die to preventable diseases because you spread misinformation.

Yeah. Medical research, especially that to justify the sale of medical products to government programs, is a paragon of objectivity. How long did it take before smoking was recognised as a serious health problem? Legislative capture is a really big problem, especially in medicine, and not only do they spend money cooking the data, they run smear campaigns against the people whose lives have been severely damaged by the results of these so-called medicines.

The biggest reason we don't have epidemics of cholera, measles, mumps, chicken pox, these days, is hygiene. Good sanitation, clean water, and people knowing the importance of washing their hands...

Not only that, do you know how they even make vaccines? Immunologists worth the name will tell you, vaccines made on non-human plasma have a significant risk of serious immune reactions, including inflammation of the brain, which is what causes the strokes that the author of this article is talking about. My uncle nearly died as a baby just from a cow milk protein allergy reaction, it was so severe that he was permanently retarded as a result. It nearly killed him. How much more dangerous, therefore, is it to inject foreign cells, dead or not, with foreign proteins, directly into the body, along with chemicals that are known to stimulate the immune system into a high alert state (squalene, thimerosal, etc).

There is too much special interests controlling government legislation and media around this subject, and lives are being destroyed. Vaccines are not panacaeas, and how much risk there actually is of catching diseases that have virtually disappeared...

I upvoted the parent not because I agree, but because the responses, and I think this one is one that should be seen, in particular. Anti-vaxxers should not be anti-vaccination, but anti-bovine-plasma-vaccines. If you had concerns, and they are valid, you should not be forced to give your kid vaccines with these non-human proteins in them.

Anti-vaxxers should be anti-vaccination - simply because the process of vaccination is a giant fraud.

“Belief in immunization is a form of delusional insanity”- Dr Herbert Shelton

I don't know about that, the idea that dead but foreign material containing DNA and proteins that the immune system will code antibodies for seems reasonable to me, especially if given a trigger to release antibody building code-reader cells.

But you know that they brew them up for mass market on bovine plasma, that in itself should be a red flag, since bovine cells are not exactly the most similar genetically to human. Maybe if they used mice, it would not trigger so often immune reactions, since mice have very close DNA to humans, being the closest neural and physiological model to us, for what reason I don't know, but it's a fact that has been proven well enough over the years. This is also why Douglas Adams features the mice as being a superior alien species in his hitchhiker novels.

I am sharing these stories to SAVE children's lives. I'm sorry that you see it as the opposite. That is why this vaccination topic can get so heated. I hope that you will take the time to investigate and actually listen to this mother's video and maybe to some of the other videos/stories that I have posted. If you can listen to a few of them and tell me why you believe that they are lying or delusional, then we can talk more about this. Personally, I believe the parents, rather than the C.D.C. who is proven to have committed fraud.

The doctor who started the whole antivax movement committed fraud. He was paid off by laywers who wanted to create an excuse to sue drug companies. Just look at your first before/after picture, there's at least a few months between those pictures if not more than a year.

People look for things to blame, and the vax myth has been around long enough for people to blame it. I'm sure those mothers do believe the vaccines caused their kids' autism... But people also used to believe witches caused bad crops.

I could just as easily blame water. "This kid drank water, and 24 hours later he was diagnosed with autism! Don't let your kids drink water! Here are before/after pictures!"

There is no credible evidence that vaccines cause autism. And stating that "tje CDC has committed fraud" is nothing but a logical fallacy called Appeal to Anti-Authority.

Moreover, autism is not a deadly disease so you are not saving lives at all... Only putting them at risk.


The mother says in her interview that the Neurologist Report did say the strokes were an Adverse Reaction to vaccination. So it wasn't the mom's imagination.
For more information on Dr. Andrew Wakefield, you can read my article here:
As for the C.D.C. Fraud, you will see the proof in the movie VaxXed. When the documentation that the C.D.C Scientist provides was given to the two Pediatricians that regularly appear on the TV show "The Doctors", it was enough to convince them of C.D.C. Fraud. Read that article here:
I encourage you to keep an open mind and watch the movied VaxXed.
Doctors and medical professionals that went into the movie not believing any of it have all come out convinced that it is true.
There are 2,800 names of vaccine injured people on The Bus that the VaxXed Team has been driving through the U.S.A. These are people that have approached the VaxXed Team in the last 1-2 months. They run into vaccine injury stories everywhere. Read this article here:

Thank-you for your time. And all the best.

yeah, like the bullshit that you can't seem to stop spreading. what's it to you anyway? the only excuse i can come up with for your continued prejudicial behavior, is that you are a paid industry troll. you obviously don't care about the children that you won't do enough research to keep from harming with your ignorance. you obviously are great at cherry picking your "information" without considering all of the facts. i've had a vaccine reaction and let me tell you it is no fun. it took me 35 years to deal with all the side effects. vaccines continue to maim and kill and they even have legal immunity. if they are so necessary and safe, let them defend themselves in full view of the people and the law.

"the only excuse i can come up with for your continued prejudicial behavior, is that you are a paid industry troll."

Wow, the conspiracy theorist thinks I'm part of the conspiracy. That's so unique! MEanwhile, crickets keep chirping while I wait for evidence that doesn't come from a guy who was paid off to create it.

i was trying to give you some credit. the alternative is that you actually believe the ignorance you continue to spew. i'm gonna go cry now 'cause telos called me a conspiracy theorist.

telos appears to have an interest in denigrating the growing mountains of evidence that vaccines are a deadly protection racket for big pharma. every time i look at one of these vaccine posts he's running around exposing himself for the deliberately ignorant child killing advocate that he is.


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