Should We Listen to Our Intuition? -- Debbie Nantz tells Thomas' VaxXed Story

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Debbie Nantz is interviewed on "The Bus" about her son Thomas' Vaccine Injury. He was a healthy, normally developing boy that had severe Adverse Reactions to his one-year shots.

That night he had indescribable screaming, could not be consoled

Was stiff as a board and throwing his head back

The next day he would not let anyone hold him

He was not focusing on anything

His whole personality changed

He would stare at moving objects (maybe seizures??)

He did not sleep all night for 3 years; up 7-8 times every night

He had ear infection after ear infection

He tested allergic to 28 out of 33 things

Explosive diarrhea

Eventually he got an Autism diagnosis

        PLEASE, Please Watch Thomas' VaxXed Story (8-minutes)

She did not make the connection to vaccines until several years later when she started looking at the dates of when he got vaccines and when he would get worse.

Debbie says that if she had INFORMED CONSENT, she would have known when he had an Adverse Reaction. "Because I didn't know, I kept on vaccinating him. And he kept getting sicker and sicker. It is gut-wrenching to think about it."

"The day that he got his one-year-shots, MY INTUITION WAS SCREAMING AT ME."

"I remember that day like it was yesterday. God gives you that intuition. He's saying STOP, pause. I didn't do it. His whole life has been drastically altered because of it."

Now at 24-years-old, Thomas keeps asking me repeatedly, "Mom, why can't I drive? Am I ever going to be able to drive?" The truth is that he can't. He has so many problems with his eyes, with depth perception, had surgery done, his eyes aren't symmetrical. He has been through hell. And for what?

Debbie says, "I spend 8-10 hours per day trying to educate people. Because I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I'm ready for the fight! Bring it on! Nobody will put another shot into my child."

At 11-years her daughter got Hodgkin's Lymphoma cancer. She says that there is now some evidence that this is a result of vaccination.

It is true that every Vaccine Package Insert states that it has never been tested for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential. Have you ever wondered why in recent years, so many infants and small children are getting cancer when that was rare not many years ago?

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What stood out to me in this VaxXed Tour Interview, is Debbie's comments on how she ignored her intuition. She said that her intuition was screaming at her to not vaccinate at the one-year appointment.

She was never informed that of the possible adverse reactions to vaccines, yet somehow she KNEW not to do it. I have listened to so many of the VaxXed Injury stories, and this is a common theme that comes up in the interviews. Mothers say that they KNEW not to do it. They might call it intuition, or their gut telling them or the Holy Spirit --- but they KNEW not to vaccinate and when they were pushed into doing it anyways, their child suffered. This is very common.

I think that we do have facts filed away below the conscious level, that manifests as "intuition" many times. Society would have us believe that vaccines are perfectly safe, but many times we do know the truth on some level.

Do you have any experiences to share about Intuition? Please comment below.

Thomas' Name Signed on the VaxXed Bus

The VaxXed Bus has been travelling across the USA and has collected over 3000 names in a short time. The vaccine injured write their names on the bus. I am supporting the VaxXed Team in bringing awareness of the huge number of Vaccine Injuries across our world.

Little girl giving the VaxXed Tour Bus a Big Hug, after her mom told her that all those names on the bus are people who were injured or died from vaccines.

For More Vaccine Injury Stories, Visit My Blog And Follow Me: @canadian-coconut


Your intuition told you that it was dangerous? Did you go ahead and vaccinate even though you didn't want to? Thanks for sharing.

Naw..don't vaccinate.
Think of it as evolution in action.

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