Matthew's VaxXed Story: Chickenpox Virus Infected Spinal Cord & Brain, Causing Permanent Brain Damage

in #health8 years ago

"My happy, healthy, baby boy in a matter of 4 days went into a near vegetative state of being," Cindy says as she cries.

He then spent 3 months in I.C.U. They ran test after test and found nothing that made sense.

Finally after transferring to a different I.C.U, a Doctor found that Matthew had suffered from something in the Chickenpox Vaccine that he explained had counteracted with something in his genetics, and caused his immune system to turn on itself. As a result the infection got into the spinal cord and started eating it's way up to the brain. It ate away at some of the tissue that now leaves him with scar tissue.

   PLEASE, Please watch this 9-minute Interview with Cindy & Matthew.

Before the vaccine, she was only told that he would be a little grumpy, and could show slight signs of a cold, maybe a little fever and possibly a rash.

She did not have Informed Consent.

Nobody cautioned her that this (below) could happen to her child.

She only found out about Vaccine Injury Court recently, and had missed the Statute of Limitations. It's too late to collect any compensation.

The Chickenpox Vaccine is only offered on the childhood schedule in three countries (as far as I know), USA, Canada & Australia. Most countries consider chickenpox to be benign enough not to bother vaccinating the general population for.

The other reason the rest of the world doesn't vaccinate for chickenpox, is because it has increased the cases of Shingles. The elderly used to avoid shingles by having contact with children that had chickenpox. Now of course their answer to the problem they created is to introduce a new Shingles vaccine for everyone over 50-years of age.

The Chickenpox Vaccine comes with definite risks. This is one vaccine where the risks of the vaccine easily outweigh the risks of the natural chickenpox virus.

Click on the article link below to see how common Adverse Reactions from the Chickenpox Vaccine are. And keep in mind that the CDC acknowledges that likely only 10% of all Vaccine Adverse Reactions are ever reported. From everything I have read I believe that it is more likely only 1% of Vaccine Injuries are ever reported to VAERS.

My son has had the chickenpox, so I know what that is like. It's a lot better than what this poor mother and son are going through on a continual basis as a result of the vaccine.

... Signing the VaxXed Bus...

The VaxXed Bus has been travelling across the USA and has collected close to 3000 names in a short time. The vaccine injured write their names on the bus. I am supporting the VaxXed Team in bringing awareness of the huge number of Vaccine Injuries across our world.

Little girl giving the VaxXed Tour Bus a Big Hug, after her mom told her that all those names on the bus are people who were injured or died from vaccines.

For More Vaccine Injury Stories, Visit My Blog And Follow Me: @canadian-coconut


Because of how sick I became as a baby from vaccines I refused to give my babies vaccines until I was lied to and told my kids couldn't go to school unless they were vaccinated. Thank goodness they survived without damage. I've done a lot of reading on this subject regarding the history of vaccines. There is too much potential for harm, vaccines and the theory behind vaccines is not good science or medicine.

I'm sorry that you were lied to @reddust. A few weeks ago I heard the same story from a neighbour, that she hadn't vaccinated her son up until Kindergarten. She told me that they have to be vaccinated to go to Kindergarten, and I told her for that wasn't true. Her son is a friend of my son's and he's 10 years old now. She has continued to vaccinate him, believing that she had to. Good thing the subject came up as I rarely ever get to see her or talk to her. I believe that her son is vaccine injured -- his ADHD is really, really bad, and she says that he hates his "shots" and always says he doesn't want them. Thanks to me, now hopefully she will stand her ground and refuse further vaccinations for him. People just don't know! They believe the authorities.

I am educated and awake now, I know authority only cares about the corporate personhoods rights not the human individual. Back then in the late seventies, I still beleaved our schools and governments were our servants, not the other way around. My heart goes out to those who are sacrificed for the so called, "greater good."

I think that by adding more and more and more shots, earlier and earlier, and all at the same time ... they have reached a tipping point because people are questioning why their children need so many shots when they did not need that many as a child themselves.
One friend of mine, a mother of 8 children who range from adult to 5-yrs-old, said that the reason she started skipping many of the vaccines is because she could see how from one child to the next they kept adding more. She was stumped at why each successive child would be in "peril" without more vaccines than their older sibling had had. She jut didn't want to jab them so much so often.

I feel it's all about profits for the vaccine industry, the bottom line has no wisdom. Plus shedding of live virus is very dangerous.

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