My private kitchen - Green healthy food small tofu 我的私人小厨—绿色健康美食小豆腐

in #health7 years ago (edited)

When I went to the market yesterday morning, I finally found my favorite radish leaf. I haven’t seen it for a long time . Why do I say so? Because now it is a hot summer, the radish has grown up and this kind of green radish leaves are very rare. I usually cook it with soybean , that is the best group. the children born after 80 and 90 may not have eaten this Dongdong, those born after 60, 70 may know this my favorite dish - that is, radish small tofu. As long as I see this dish, I can’t wait to eat it without other dishes . It can make me happy when I am full . it is really a delicious and nutritious food which I am always eager to eat. So ,you will ask “ on earth , what is it ? how can I do it ? Can you tell me what to do?” Well, now let me explain this simple, delicious and nutritious food . It is not only good for the ladies but also for the men . a professor in the US said : “ Men who can eat soybeans can be the trun man”. Ok , so don’t miss it , see how I can cook this easy but delicious food .

Material : radish leaves, soak soy beans (6-12 hours), oil, salt, monosodium glutamate



1. Wash radish leaves, boiled with water short time and pull out . Then put them in the cold water, chopped, spare .



2. soak the soybean, crush with crusher


3. Fill the pot with soybean oil. less than usual, because the beans themselves are very fragrant.


4. Chopped green onion , fry the secnt, put crushed soybean.



5. Place chopped radish leaves and stir fry. Fill in the water and cook it with little fire. Because big fire can make it burnt easily .

6. At this time, you must see the pot and pay attention whether it is burnt or not . Cooked in about 10 minutes.

7. Put some salt , monosodium glutamate , taste it whether it is cooked well . Put them in a bowl or a plate . It’s finished .



Would you like to try this radish small tofu? Easy to do and easy to eat , especially to those people whose teeth are not good . it is nutritious and healthy . what are you waiting for? In Spring , you can do it with pickpurse, that is called “pickpurse small tofu” . You can also cook it with seaweed , that is seaweed small tofu . but to me , I still prefer pickpurse and radish.

Enjoy my post ? do not forget to upvote me! Stay here and leave a message. Welcome !

昨天早上去市场的时候, 终于发现了我好久都没见到的最爱-萝卜缨,哈哈,为啥这么说呢? 因为现在是炎热的夏天嘛, 小萝卜缨早都没了,即使是这种长大点的绿色的萝卜缨也很少见, 那么我把它跟谁匹配才能发挥它最好的效果呢? 没错, 那就是黄豆啦。 80后, 90后的孩子们可能没吃过这个东东,60后,70后的哥哥姐妹们也许知道这个我最喜欢的菜- 那就是萝卜缨小豆腐。 我见了这道菜,简直命都可以不要, 而且有了它,我再也不眷顾别的菜品了, 捧着一个碗就可以吃个肚儿圆, 对我来说那真叫一个美味, 更何况又营养丰富呢!说道这,有人可能说了,你扯了半天, 倒底是什么嘛? 能不能说说咋做的呢?那好吧, 卖了这么大一通的关子, 让我来详解这道简单易学,好吃又营养的最爱吧,尤其是女士哦,那可是美容养颜,富含卵磷脂滴!男士也不要错过哦, 因为有美国教授说过:“真正的男人从吃大豆开始”。 哈哈, 先上个成品图,可能卖相不够, 但是价值肯定是杠杠的!因为都是纯天然,绿色食品哦。

原料: 萝卜缨 泡好的黄豆(6-12小时)油 盐 味精

  1. 洗好萝卜缨, 用开水过一下,捞出,凉水投凉 ,切碎,备用。
  2. 泡好的黄豆用粉碎机 粉碎
  3. 锅里填点豆油,可以比平时做菜少放点, 因为黄豆本身就很香。
  4. 葱花爆锅,炒出香味,放粉碎好的黄豆。
  5. 放入切碎的萝卜缨,翻炒。填水, 小火慢炖。 火大了易糊锅底。
  6. 这时候也要不停的看有没有糊锅底。大约 10分钟左右熟了。
  7. 将炒好的小豆腐,放盐, 味素调味,可以出炉了!
    这款萝卜缨小豆腐你是不是可以尝试一下呢? 做起来简单, 吃起来也省事,不像吃黄豆, 牙口不好的嚼起来费劲, 这个好啊, 基本连蔬菜加饭都有了, 营养又健康, 你还等什么呢? 春天可以用荠菜做,就是荠菜小豆腐,格外的一种味道。 跟海菜放一起就海菜小豆腐,但个人觉得还是荠菜和萝卜缨好吃。
    喜欢我的帖子, 别忘了点赞哦!光顾的留个脚印吧, 欢迎留言!
Sort: our part of world also we use raddish leave regular good for health

I will definitely try this! Oh how i love tofu! So delicious and so healthy! :)
Keep it up @bxt! Have a wonderful day! xiè xie ^_^

(followed you up.. If it's okay please do follow me too.. ^_^)

thanks !

Hey, good luck on your journey in our fine community! I'll follow your account to see how you doing :). Please follow me @nakedchef89.

thanks , follow you !

I've never seen anything like that! I'm from the US and soybean isnt used in much. That looks absolutely beautiful and delicious! Thank you very much for sharing!

yeah , you can have a try ! perfect !

I love soy bean. Love the photo. Love what you're saying. Awesome. Interesting. Thanks for sharing. Upvoted. Resteemed.

thanks your comment , i will come on !

Great! A very healthy food to eat! Thanks for sharing @bxt 😁😊😄👍

thanks !

Great post. You got my upvote :D

what is D ? thanks all the same !

Hi @bxt !
i'm fatema from Pakistan. awesome post really and the pictures as well.
i've followed you.

Love your food blog so much!

thanks , i will go on !

Nice and simple... Looks yummy... Thanks for sharing...

thanks !

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