in #health6 years ago

How do you live with autism? You don't. Autism has become a tragic epidemic of this age. It has swiftly destroyed generations of children and wreaked havoc in families. Autism alters your life and theirs. Forever. You don't just live with autism, you survive it.

Meet triplets; Rourke, Tristan and Mitchell. My stepsons. They're autistic. Yes. All of them.

These beautiful boys don't remember life before autism. They don't remember being happy babies reaching all their milestones. Baby language. Crawling. Walking. Eating. Loving interaction with their parents. And then the MMR vaccine. Their lives and the lives of all who loved them would never be the same again.

Rourke, Tristan and Mitchell are 23. Their reality is understood through the Disney they watch. The lives of their family has always been limited by autism. The triplet brothers have very different and unique personalities. They even have dreams. And those dreams will never be realized because their entire lives are dependent on their parents and limited by their diagnosis. Rourke (always the most difficult) lives with his dad and I. He barely leaves his bedroom without a meltdown. These occur throughout the day without provocation. We dread them. At best it entails screaming and head banging or vomiting up his food. At worst he smashes things. Is he retarded? By no stretch of the imagination. Autistic children are highly intelligent but can not or will not express themselves in a socially accepted manner. Rourke has a wonderful sense of humour and can negotiate a point better than a lawyer. But like Peter Pan's little lost boys he and his brothers are trapped in their heads. Vaccines crippled their potential and no amount of medical or natural intervention has brought them back.

Are we anti-vax? Absolutely. Most anti-vaxxers you speak to were once pro-vax .... until they lost their children due to vaccine damage. Whether the vaccine caused food allergies, mental delays, health complications, paralysis, autism or tragically, even death. I say this, not based on a few minutes surfing the net. I say this, based on fact. Many anti-vax people only began to do their research following tragedy - and yes, there is PLENTY of suppressed scientific and medical proof that vaccines are dangerous.

Why am I telling you this? Because I fervently desire everyone to be educated before having a decision made for you. Educate before you vaccinate. You child's health and happiness depend upon it.

This is not an open forum to debate pro or anti. This is like the Matrix. Will you choose the red or blue pill. I am challenging you. You choose. Will you stop, and question everything? Or go along with the crowd and believe everything you get told?

Matrix photo with credit to TotalFratMove


What most people do not see, is the whole purpose of this. This is targeted on and the objective is the most simplest one. It's all about control and centralisation of intelligence. All parents of autistic children are above media, and that's why autistic children are highly intelligent.

Simply put, they are autistic because they are intelligent and vaccinated.

Autistic people will not have kids, so problem solved in less than two generations. Now you are left with a dam, easy controllable population.

I was pro-vax, I have an autistic child and I started to see the pattern everywhere.

True. We see the pattern too. Thanks for sharing

Not completely true about autistic people not having kids.

There is a huge varying degree of the autism spectrum. Some people are pretty much fully functional in society, go to school, have jobs/careers, get married and have families.

Eye opener sister I cant begin to imagine what you go through daily, watched a few movies but by no means living it as you are. I really hope this post gets the attention it deserves x

Thank you for sharing your story ❤
I cant imagine how difficult daily life must be. Caring for someone you love, but it also beong so trying.

I think my brother-in-law is mildly autistic. They have two children. Both demonstrate very similar behaviors/personalities.
The oldest wasnt vaccinated until the 2nd was born.... Then they decided to start vaccinating. She suddenly became a very difficult child. Huge emotional outburst, sometimes physical. The youngest is most definitely mildly autistic. He requires a routine daily. He will only eat a handful of foods, and sometimes not even those foods. But is absolutely brilliant at 2 years old.
Its horrible to watch... I was proud to have educated them to the decision to not vaccinate their first.. Amd suddenly 5 years later, with #2 they changed their mind. Its hard to swallow :/


@corrielaine it is very possible. I believe many of the older generation are on the spectrum without knowing it. It's simply that the vaccines have become so much worse (and so many more!) than when we were children, or our parents were children. As far as them changing their mind; ultimately everyone has to make their own decision. We have been shocked and grieved that those that have actually worked with the triplets, and understand the vax autism connection eventually vaccinate their own children (and some in turn then lose those babies to autism!) Boggles the mind

I just continue to pray for people who refuse to open their eyes. And pray for the children who are harmed by their parents ignorance and stubbornness.


I agree with u on these crappy vaccines there's is a link for sure and we don't know what other unknown effects others have caused. Autism doesn't have to be all negative, I was taught autism is a spectrum we are all on it to some degree. I still seen many severe autistic cases become successful in many different ways, the world I s opening up With many possibilities that work for autistic ppl. Young ppl don't want to live the normie lifestyle + like they are the force to pave a way of rebellion of what we consider 'normal'

Autism is a spectrum. And those that do function in the world have amazing stories. But they are the exception not the rule. There are hundreds and thousands who will always be dependent. It's not about being negative. It's just the reality. Nobody visits us and we can never go away because we have a trapped young man needing our constant supervision. There's no way around it no matter how hard we've tried

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