These Are Six Surprising Things I Discovered As a Self Healer

in #health6 years ago (edited)

I'm a self healer and have been for a very long time. Actually, we all are. You are ultimately the one who does all your healing. While a doctor or Chiropractor or Massage Therapist may assist you, you and your body is what actually does the healing. Mostly, healing is about finding something that you feel absolutely confident about. People believe so much in doctors, and that's largely the reason that they feel better when a doctor gives them something. But I want to share some surprising things I've learned as a self healer.

Kratom is the (pretty much) only painkiller you'll ever need.


Ok, maybe not ever. I've never taken incredibly strong pain killers for brown recluse spider bites, or surgery or anything like that, so I'm not going to make that claim. But you can definitely get rid of all your over the counter pain killers. You do not need aspirin or Ibuprofen. Kratom is an extremely effective pain killer. And it's just a leaf. It's also very cheap. One ounce costs about $10 and will give you quite a few doses. Buying in bulk is even crazier cheap.

It's phenomenal for when you're sick. Not only does it ease pain, but it eases anxiety. It will give you a sense of well being when you really need it. It activates your optiate receptors to make you feel safe and calm.

It's wonderful for PMS.

There are different strains of kratom. Some make you sleep, while some energize you. And then there are strains in-between.

Oregano essential oil is an extremely potent antibiotic


Holy shit. This stuff is powerful. You don't always need a prescribed antibiotic. Prescription antibiotics kill good gut bacteria which can really fuck up your health actually.

Oregano oil is strong. Try it when you have an ear infection or something not life threatening.

FYI: ladies, it can bring on a period.

Drinking diatamaceous earth


Ok, this is a weird one. Diatamaceous earth is the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms. You can use it in your house or on your dog to kill pests, but if you drink it, you also kill parasites in your body. Pretty cool. It also detoxifies and kills viruses. It's made mostly of silica which your tendons, cartilage, bones, blood vessels, and every other organ require. It also has silicon, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, and other trace minerals.

I'll link here so you can read all the details.

*Tip: I've found it easy to consume mixed in half Kombucha and half water.

P.S. diatamaceous earth is insanely cheap. 10 pounds for $19.99!

Drinking baking soda


I just learned about this one and was quite surprised I didn't know about all the health benefits before. Quite an internal cleanser! And it's not bad at all to drink. It's easier to consume than the diatamaceous earth, I think.

  • Helps with digestive issues
  • Anti-fungal and antibacterial
  • Helps balance body chemistry
  • It's an antacid
  • Reduces inflammation

Oxygenating your blood with breath


This is one that I'm just discovering, and I'm going to write an entire article about it so that I can learn. I started practicing Wim Hof Breathing a couple months ago and was pretty blown away by how strong it made me feel throughout the day. Kind of superhuman. A friend told me about a guru in India named Baba Ramdev who heals millions, and he does it all with breath. And I've been stumbling upon more information that I really must delve into. Stay tuned. I'll come back and link here after I post the article. I don't want to make this so long that people won't read it.



Once again, healing is about decision. I've learned this over and over. When you decide you're going to get better, you do. You can't just kind of decide. It's when it's time. After the decision point healing starts instantaneously, and you're off to the races. There's a time for feeling pain, a time for self nurturing, a time for hope, and ultimately there comes the time of decision.

If you enjoyed this, you'll enjoy my facebook page You Are Your Own Healer

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I love this post a lot!! Very simple, and I do most of those things except for kratom, which I have never heard of - and that's wierd for me as I'm fairly good with a lot of herbal and alt remedies. xxx Must look into it. I use d. earth on the garden but not internally - that's also interesting. Oregano was a god send on my last flu and YEAH breath is a winner. xxx


Kratom is one of my favorite things on the planet.

good stuff hun!I didn't know about drinking baking soda! I have been a supporter of Kratom used for pain, anxiety and addiction since I discovered it! We need more articles on it!

Amazing post, I can't believe I actually stumbled across this as I have been looking for something for an ear infection that I have. Going to try the oil out. If you don't mind could you recommend how to use, would putting a few drops in a bath and bathing be best? Thanks

Yay! Inspiration came to me during meditation. Guess I was lined up to help you!

You drink it. There will be instructions on the bottle. You can order it or get it from a grocery store like Whole Foods. Do a little reading up on treating an ear infection with oregano oil first. A friend of mine did.

I will warn you. It is STRONG! Hard to drink. But that just shows you how potent it is.

Quick update: wow that stuff is strong! Lol. Took three days to clear it up, considering I was temporarily deaf for a day or so beforehand, I think that oil deserves a ten out of ten for effectiveness 😀 thank you for helping me on my self healing journey.

UNBELIEVABLE! I tell people about oregano oil as an antibiotic any chance I can. I wonder how much money is spent on doctor's visits for what can easily, cheaply, and healthfully be treated by oregano oil without side effects. Spread the word, and thank you for the update!

Will do, thanks again.

Many thanks, i have just ordered some from Clive de Carle's online shop, his videos were my first introduction to self healing & the couple of things i have tried so far have all worked! So thank you again and i will be sure to have a good read of your blog, in fact i've bookmarked it onto my desktop to make sure i do. Kind regards.

Lol - do you mean you were meditating and thinking of Steemit? I love how meditation can rock an inspiring thought out of the awareness bubbles...

Yep. 😁 MANY ideas come to me that way.

The power is all in the brain and tongue, beloved all you have to do is believe, speak it and I will happen for sure

Your words are magic.

Very true. We are the healers and from time to time we may need assistance. I do most everything on your list, not tje baking soda yet. Too bad both kratom and marijuana stir the pain up. Great for many things but doesnt touch this. Ty resteemed.

Ps wow on the baking soda, will have to investigate. You might want to check out borax healing, i havent done that one yet but my friend has and it helped majorly w fibromyalgia.

Thanks for these tips/reminders. We have to keep pointing out to each other these alternative views of health. Otherwise big pharma will brainwash us all. They'll just wear us down with repetition and "normalcy."

Hey cool post.

I’ve taken oregano oil before but not any of those other cures.

Thanks for bringing them to my attention.

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