
I finished my 36hrs, actually pushed to 42hrs. Yeah strange thing happened overnight where I was woken up with a very strong headache. I massaged it & it fully disappeared in 5 mins. As I facilitate yoga everyday, last night session was bit ethereal & its important for me to remain grounded so I can hold space for the people.
I have just ate some cherries & now eating some raspberries. slowly & gently!
I checked out snake diets vids, what a coach but he can sometimes be a bit too much ..haha! will definitely keep this up, dry fasting & snake juicing while continuing to flow with my own inner voice.
thanks @brightstar, you sure are a brightstar;)

This is so exciting! When do you plan on dry fasting?

just had food for last time. starting dry fast now !! ;) Definitely helping with the rash ..

This is SO exciting!!! How is it going so far? I've been doing intermittent dry fasting the last three days, and now I'm going back to snake juice for three + days. Then maybe I'll work a 48 hour dry fast in there when I can chill on my couch.

So cool that you're already seeing an improvement with the rash! This is incredible stuff.

yeah its definitely for a couch day the dry fasting. After all, today I have caved in and I am snake juicing as I have a lot of admin stuff to do, so need to keep my head square .. but definitely will keep it up. Doing this is allowing me to be fully aware of what I put into my body & be gentle with that awareness so I guess by doing that I am not triggering the outbreak of the rash. It is indeed incredible stuff :)

How is it going, lady?

We are definitely telepathically connected as you struck my mind a couple of hours ago ! haha :)
Yes I have been continuing with the snake juice, intermittent fasting. I did one full day the other day where I dry fasted but with the full moon energies I slowly took back to drinking water with salts as my energies where really high and needed to ground these highly energies into earth. Love it though & I am going to keep it up .. How are you @brightstar?

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