Unaffordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare) Deadline 2018

in #health7 years ago

Could you afford these plans? Would you pay $272.21 each month to have the privilege of a $6,550 deductible?

All the other carriers dropped out of Arizona and Ambetter is the only one listed on the Healthcare.gov exchange.

The penalty for not buying one of these rip off plans? $1000 fee on your taxes. So a lot of times the option is to buy a shit plan that doesn't qualify for Obamacare and just pay the penalty. Or just go without healthy insurance and still be on the hook for the penalty.

What would you do?

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Obamaca is one of the biggest disaster pieces of legislation our country has had to endure in recent memory. I have opted to purchase coverage through a cost-sharing service called Liberty Health share. They're a reasonable alternative to the bullshit offered on exchanges, definitely worth checking out.

The situation is pretty bad for sure. I thought it was supposed to be a market place where people can pick what plan they want..... for the last two years there is just that one carrier. Everyone else dropped out.

Last year I tried to file an exemption so I didn't have to pay the penalty and was denied. They just want to force everyone into it.

Fyi, liberty healthshare is exempt from ACA rules due to being grandfathered in. You don't get penalized if you have them, in other words.

Is it only in certain states? I know states like Texas are able to not be on Obamacare and not get penalized?

I think it's available in all states, could be wrong though.

Also, you may be able to submit a tax return and leave the healthcare question blank and the IRS is able to accept it, due to an executive order Trump signed

What we need as a country is access to AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE. As in actual care, but it should still be a choice to insure or not to. It's crazy how the two are conflated, like gov't mandated unusable insurance with $6K + deductibles is somehow 'healthcare'.

Since I'm socially pretty liberal (I think, at least I was 5+ yeargs ago, so much has changed, I very well could be a conservative by old standards and not even realize it LOL) I honestly never thought there was a media bias. I thought it was exaggerated - that was until I started trying to research just how bad obamacare is for the middle class - forget it, you can't find anything. It's pretty much taboo to be anti unaffordable healthcare. There's some assumption that if you make above $47K a year - or whatever the cutoff for subsidies is - you're greedy and awful and part of the problem because you don't want to subsidize healthcare for ...all sorts of different people.

It's so absurd. It's not a matter of not wanting to -it's a matter of trying to manage student loans and rent (or mortgage payments) and cost of living with insanely expensive shitty health insurance (check out prices in NY - even more nuts.)

I'm not a Trump fan in the least, but yay to getting rid of the mandate.

The situation is absolutely insane for sure. And at the end of the day like you said the media doesn't talk about how unaffordable the healthcare situation is in fear that if they do it will look like they support Trump or something. I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary but it doesn't matter who a person voted for they can still use logic and realize the healthcare situation is way out of wack.

Totally! ( I didn't vote for either). And that's the other thing that, in the words of the ever-wise Peter Griffen, "really grinds my gears!" - that it's like there's either Team Trump or Team Hillary. I've noticed that on both sides of the spectrum, Repubs and Dems often parrot back talking points, and tow their party line no matter what.

They create idols out of their favorite politician. He/she can do no wrong. Obviously that doesn't apply to everyone - but it's too bad more people wouldn't think for themselves and use logic instead of political affiliation to make decisions and cast their votes!

Thank for sharing my friend

I've paid the fine the past few years

Yeah that is what I'm going to do. It is total BS for sure.

This crap is such BS
I always file on turbo and have been lucky up until this year to have the luxury of good employee sponsored insurance. This year I had a couple gaps in my continuous coverage but I paid out of pocket for my prescription meds which SUCKED a big one so I'm definitely not going to pay some 1000 fee when I file in January.

Yeah it is really ridiculous and even Bill Clinton was saying how absurd it was. They were trying to get him to shut up because it was making the Dems look bad but he couldn't help himself but to tell how no one can afford it.

Well that tells you a lot right there. Fckg ridiculous!

Me and my business partner pay for health insurance through our business however I'm thinking of going off on my own and leaving the business behind and doing youtube and affiliate marketing and more passion project type stuff so I'll be needing to look for insurance. After seeing this post not something I'm looking forward to

It is funny you say that. I have just really gotten burnt out with the resell stuff. I would rather focus on content creation on here and on YouTube and work on the crypto stuff. Obviously it is hot right now so it is fun to see the insane gains.

But my PayPal account got shut down for a little bit and they wanted me to submit my SSN Card and it took awhile for them to get that all straightened out. It is a pretty solid business and I think it would be great if I could get it to a level where I could pay someone to really manage it but I feel like I would have to scale up quite a bit to really offload the entire thing to someone else.

Yeah I'll always have an interest in reselling but right now I'm really enjoying creating content and would love to spend all my time doing things I enjoy, where as reselling stuff has become more like work and more like a job. I think part of it is also having a business partner. While there's tons of benefits to it I'd kind of like to be able to be completely independent work from 3am to 6am if I want, work 9 to 5 if I want. The way we are kind of setup is were in the office from 9 to 5 monday through friday so while I do work for myself it's almost like a job. I also feel like my business has plateud. It's doing very well gonna do 3 mill in sales for the year but I just don't see it growing more and actually expecting a downturn over the next year or two. were also in a high risk category so at any day my merchant processor or bank could shut me down, so I can definitely relate to your paypal issue.

With the reselling stuff as well, I'm still having success with established businesses and not to say I couldn't start a new one but everyone and their mom is doing Shopify dropshipping stores and selling t-shirts and everything else. If nothing else it's driving up the cost of advertising having more people in the space, in some cases it's added competition psiphening off sales as well. Someone is always willing to work on lower margins. Programs like MerchInformer, Terapeak, and Jungle Scout also make it easier for people to find what's making you money and copy it. Even Alex Becker and Tai Lopez who in the past were more big picture mindset type guys on the Entrepreneur scene are now getting into pitching Shopify programs, dropshipping, facebook advertising, Amazon FBA, etc. Stuff that in the past they were "too big" for.

In regards to Paypal, I'm hoping the crypto space can replace Paypal sooner rather than later. My main business had our Paypal account shutdown in 2015. We were doing over 2 Million a year in sales, had 0 chargebacks, few returns. We were an ideal merchant and out of the blue compliance and risk dept calls, says our volume is too high, we have 30 days to find a new account. That pretty much ends eBay selling for that biz as we have merchant processors we can setup but 9 out of 10 people cancel a transaction as soon as they realize you can't take paypal. :(

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