How Important is Your Eyes Health?

in #health7 years ago

For this post, I want to share you about the important things to keep your eyes healthy. You can follow my tips and opinion below for it.

1. Do not Use Contact Lenses Continuously.

If you use Lens Contacts, try not to wear contact lenses more than 19 hours, because if too long-wearing contact lenses will damage the eyes. When you swim loose contact your lens because if exposed to water contact lens will easily come off. Unless you are wearing swimming goggles, you can wear your lens contacts. Release your contact lens while sleeping, because the eye also needs oxygen supply.

2. Maintaining Eye Health with Dripping Eye Drops.

Use eye drops to treat your eye health, the main function of this eye drops is to clear the eyes from dust, moisturize the eyes and cure the red eyes. You can buy eyedrops in the pharmacy, but before using the first use of the existing packaging is packaged eye medicine. Use this eye drops only when your eyes need or when your eyes are red-eye or exposed to dust.

3. Do not Read in Less Light Rooms.

When you read try to keep the light in your room is not too dark, if you read at night put lights close to your book. So the writing will be seen clearly and not damage your eyes.

4. Do not be too Long staying in front of the Computer Screen.

As we know if the computer screen or Laptop screen can emit radiation strong enough. So do not be too long - sitting in front of your computer screen, if you sit too long in front of the computer screen and see the computer screen regularly then this will make the eyes tired, and head will hurt. If you feel this, then try to stop for a moment, so your headache does not increase. Try every 20 minutes to see to other things rather than the computer screen. It prevents the eye so as not to get tired quickly. Do not forget to set the brightness of your computer screen to not too bright.

5. Sticking Cucumber on your Eyes.

You can use Cucumber to keep the eye moist. Because cucumber contains ascorbic acid and caffeic acid that serves to maintain eye moisture. In addition to cucumber, you can also use a wet tea bag and placed on top of the eyes, long this laying around 15 to 20 minutes.

6. Use Glasses that have Polarized Lenses.

Now technology is growing very rapidly, including also with glasses. Glasses currently have a variety of functions, to protect the eyes from UV rays you can use Glasses that have polarized lenses.

7. Eat foods that contain lots of vitamin A.

To maintain your eyes must also eat - foods that contain lots of vitamin A, fruits, and vegetables - a good alternative as a supplier of Vitamin A. For vegetables, you can consume carrots because the carrots contain beta carotene useful to reduce Degenerative diseases occurring in the eye.

I hope with these tips I can help you to protect your eyes and keep it healthy.
Thank you for stopping by and reading my post, see you in the next post.

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