30 days health challenge - 100% free from white suger, gluten and dairy products - day 9

in #health7 years ago (edited)

One week has passed since I started my personal challenge. First few days there were no real difference but on day 5 something happened. I did not need to blow my nose ones all day nor did I sneeze! Complete success. I've also had more energy and felt more awake despite a lack of sleep during the weekend.

Last Saturday I went out with my friends for dinner. My food was according to my new rules but I did not think and had a beer. Beer contain gluten... I don't know if that was the reason but on Sunday my nose was a little bit runny again (though not as bad as it has been in the past) and I sneezed a few times. On Monday as well my nose has been a little bit clogged but not too bad and better than yesterday.

On a positive note my stomach (or rather my visit to the toilet for the nr 2) was today perfect! That was a very long time ago.

So, what do I eat?

Since I looooove sweet things I needed a substitute and made chocolate balls made out of:
10 dates
1 dl of raw cacao
2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil
1.5 dl of finely almonds
2 dl of finely cashew nuts
2 tablespoons of coffee
some vanilla powder

I put it all in a blender starting with the nuts, then the dates and then the rest. Ones blended I put it in the fridge for 30 minutes, then made small balls which I rolled in coconut flakes. In to the fridge for a while longer and then ready to enjoy. It does not take more than 30 minutes of active work and taste delicious.

My new goal is to share one recipe a day here with you :-)



Well done for sticking to your challenge! Interesting that the beer might have set your nose off, too (bummer, that one).

The recipe looks delicious. I've been looking into Miracle trees - have you seen them? Their berries make things taste sweet, even when they're not.

Thanks! It is actually easier than I anticipated, at least so far... Well, who knows, perhaps it was alcohol that set it off :-) which is also a bummer!

I will google miracle trees, don't know what that is but thanks for the tip. I have planted Stevia in my garden but not used it yet. I'm slightly dubious as to what to do with that. According to what I've learned sweeteners set off your insulin production just as much as regular sugar = bad for the body.

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