I am overweight, I sit too much, I eat too much

in #health6 years ago (edited)

It's 4 days since my last publish on Steem. It's also 3 days since I'm in hospital.

This should be a post announcing that I will not make any more Beer Tasting posts. But it's really a warning to all fellow steemians, developers, engineers who are overweight and not doing any physical activity.

While ago when I was active on social networks and I had Facebook account I posted over 200 pictures of different beers. I think that was cool. Now I don't think that anymore.

It's 3 months since I started individual exercises with a trainer. I was on a good path going from 120kg to 116kg. Doesn't seam much for three months but I had my ups and downs. It was important that I don't give up.

4 nights ago around 3-4am I felt pressure in my chest and very high heart beating. As matter a fact I had this pressure over 10 days. But with lower intensity. Like somebody with a boot stands on my chest. But that night it was the most intensive. In a moment I thought I will suffocate. My hands were shaking like never before. I didn't want to alarm my family. I decided to wait for the morning with God's help. I was praying. Until 5am.

Before this incident I was coding, creating a website until 3am. Some personal small project I wanted to do for a long time but couldn't because my work for other people. So after I finish my work around 1am I started doing this site boyan.pro. I wanted to have a personal site for a long time. I found awesome Bootstrap 4 template. Fired a DigitalOcean droplet, set it up for nginx and started changing the template. I felt tired around 3am and decided that small fixes I do tomorrow. I went to bed and the agony started.

In the morning I went to doctors. He told me that I probably head a heart attack. I started loosing ground under my feet. Almost 36 years old with young family, two small kids and infarct?!? The doctor said that he will call ambulance to transport me to the hospital for further procedures. He said I shouldn't leave alone.

In the hospital a young doctor received me from the ambulance crew. He checked other doctor's ultrasound and ECG reports. Then he did ECG again. And told me "you had a heart attack" we should do coronary catheterization.

Basically when infarct occurs tissue which didn't get blood dies. The damage is permanent. And person with that condition is heart patient for life. I really didn't want that for my family. My baby boy is 11 months old. I wanted to go with him for hiking, camping. I want to learn him to hunt and do skiing.

Thanks to God, I didn't have infarct! It was false alarm. Doctors are not sure what happened. My blood vessels are clear and fine. I have high blood pressure. And there is no other explanation than my lifestyle.

Now while I'm writing this in the hospital I'm hearing old people griping in pain through the holeways. I'm thinking, I don't belong here! I'm the youngest guy here. What did I do to end up here?

Too much work, too much stress, wanting to do everything alone, then sitting too much, eating too much, drinking to much and eating too much sugar. Is that worth of hurting people who give you unconditional love and care?

I don't want to sound like a crazy wierdo who thinks that everything is a conspiracy theory. But think about it. Large extent of our lifestyle is impacted by the massculture surrounding us. Lots of stuff which makes us ill and stupid are aggressively advertised and injected in front of our noses into our lifes. Lots of stuff we do against us without thinking and mechanically. As a very young I didn't even like taste of beer. How I became from that to man which tried hundreds of beers from different part of the world? Massculture. People tend to do what is socially acceptable. And what is socially acceptable is affected by corporations trying to grow their sales and profits every quartal.

So, it's pure logic. How do you grow your sales if you are tobacco or alcohol or beer or sweetened drinks or pharmacy or food corporation? Add to that how conscienceless, greedy and wicked a businessman can be. For too long time through generations we let these guys to affect our lives!

To not get missunderstood. I don't blame anybody for my current position. It's solely my fault and responsibility for why I am here. God gave us free will. It's only your free will to go to a supermarket and buy processed food filled with sugars and palm oil.

My grandmother died at age 97. She didn't eat meet every Wednesday and Friday plus 2-3 months per year. She ate home grown and home made food. Since 2-3 years I've been reading and watching YT about off grid living, homesteading, growing food, breeding animals. Over a year ago I moved from a big city to the country side where I have a house and 10 acres of land. Started growing food and breeding animals.

Obviously it was too late. And this experience I'm having now is my final warning from God.

So, my fellow steemians. Please don't work late hours! Eat healthy! Don't eat sugars! Don't drink alcohol! Don't smoke! Make at least 10000 steps a day! Listen me if you love people around you and if you love yourself. Don't come into my shoes!

If you in any time feel a chest pain go to the ER immediately! You have 1-2 hours to be fixed until permanent damage occurs.

UPDATE: Please check this video.

Posted using Partiko Android


Thanks for your advise :)

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You are welcome!

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Wow man! Yeh that beer is packed with sugar, and also most of the foods available to use are packed with it too, its almost as if they try to make everyone sick!

I seriously recommend to do a fasting.

I have been doing it 3 times now in the last 6 weeks and its truly amazing, and recently I wrote this post https://steemit.com/health/@movingman/the-big-fat-lier

Fast my man - it defeats 97% of all illnesses and diseases!


Thanks for your comment. I fast for religious reasons two times per year for couple of months per year. But I did it wrong. I didn't eat anything of animal origin except fish. But I ate lots of carbs in pasta, rice, corn and potato. Which is terribly wrong. I will change those habits too. Thanks for your advise and for resteeming my post!

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I meant water-only fasting! This is the magic, and wow the effects are amazing. I was skinny and after fasting 1x 50hr, then 2 x72 hours my body reset itself.. I put on wieght again to my healthy weight, and my muscles were in top condition. A girlfriend asked me if i had been working out, and i replied "no, the oppersite actually, ive been doing nothing and just drink water and tea, and lots of butter!!!

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I will try doing that! Sounds hard but I'll try. Thanks for advice.

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Really do try it out!! First just do 24 hours but if you feel to do more then even better, but for the first go dont try many days :)

You will notice anyway after 24 hours how your body starts to relax more, and the stomach gets to rest which means then also your whole body can repair because to digest food is using alot of the bodys energy, so when we have nothing to digest, the body regenerates!

Trust me, it is fucking magic, and no BS!

Make sure to post about it aswell! There are many Steemians on here who are doing it also :) @brightstar is one..
Here is the post I did after my first ever try!

You could skip the part about stool and urine. :)

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Lol its all for education purposes only 😂😂😂

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I think your reply here is inappropriate. Please read the post before you comment it.

Dear @boyanpro

I'm very sorry for this off-topic post.

I'm quite sure that I already asked you before (hope not more than once) to support my little initiative so this request may not be anything new :)

Could you please vote on this dpoll for a friendly community (SteemChurch), which Im trying to support?

It's such a fierce contest and just after 4 days we're right behind SteemitBloggers:

We've another 3 exciting days ahead of us. Perhaps you could ask around your friends if they wouldn't mind support our small initiative.

I would be very grateful :)


Please vote on "SteemChurch". I would appreciate your support a lot.


I think your reply here is inappropriate. Please read the post before you comment it.

Hi @boyanpro, I am following this stupid spam and trying to answer the people who are upset by it. I am nobody but a user here and do not care about the poll.

But I am a weight loss success story. I lost "half my size" at the ago of 50 after a lifetime of miserable obesity. I truly hear and feel your pain.

My son @bxlphabet is also here. He has severe ptsd from the trauma he went through while I almost died many times in his young life. His childhood was spent seeing his fat mom leave in an ambulance and having to stay with the teacher not knowing if I would come back. The fact that we are both still alive now is only by the Grace of God.

When I lost my weight I started on Oct 10 2007 when I almost crashed my car on the freeway. My fat stomach would not let the steering wheel turn. That was the day I decided to lose weight or die trying. I got to my goal on Oct 5 2011 - 4 years later, and have never had another problem with it.

The first three years were slow and I did not know what I was doing. Most of the weight came off in the last year, and the skills I used then - I still use - and can teach you.

But for my son, the damage was done. And for me as well. My health is much better, but I still have issues from all those years of obesity.

I have dedicated my remaining life to helping other people - especially parents, break free of obesity and move on to a better life. You are the person I seek to help. Let this scare be your turning point. Mark it in your calendar like I did.

Forget the fasting idea. If fat people could fast, they would have already done it.

My plan is simple:

  • Eat less crap
  • Eat more nutrition
  • Exercise every day
  • Get more rest
  • Forgive yourself

I will help you. Please look at the bottom of any of my posts and you will see a before and after photo of my and my son. Connect with me and let's work together. There is no charge but your time and attention. It is not even hard once you get going. That was the shocker for me.

I'm so glad to find you. Maybe spam has a place after all.

Thanks for your reply and support. It means much. I'm glad that you are healthy now.

Posted using Partiko Android

Please resteem my post so other people can see my warning?

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @boyanpro

I would like to apologize you again for my little "spam" and I just decided to return to your post and actually read it.


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Dear @boyanpro

Are you still in the hospital ? I hope state of your health improved within past few days.


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