The benefits of Garlic

in #health7 years ago


Garlic also has a wonderful flavor when added to food. In this article will be mentioned the benefits of garlic General and mentioned its benefits in particular on hair, skin, and its benefits to health, and sex.

What do you know about garlic?

There are many types of garlic, and usually take the names of the areas producing them, such as municipal garlic and garlic Yabroudi (relative to the region of Yabroud in Syria, Chinese garlic and French garlic, where there is garlic small lobes, but prefer large coarse lobes for easy removal of the crust.

The garlic can be eaten fresh, moisturized, correct or corrected with food to improve the taste, or even eat it cooked with foods, preferably dry garlic completely green garlic for the effectiveness of dry garlic.

Benefits of therapeutic garlic:

Poisonous antidote:

Then sprinkle with five garlic cloves and mix with a cup of honey melted in boiling the black bean and drink it immediately and repeat in the morning and evening. After that, the healing will be done by God's permission.

Antiseptic for stomach:

He swallows a piece of chopped garlic, and after that drinks a cup of local fennel with honey and repeats it daily for a week.

Solvent for cholesterol and prevents the clot:

While eating lunch every day, put in as much as two cloves and eat them with salad every day.

Useful for high blood pressure:

Garlic is an effective treatment for blood pressure .. But after discipline stops it so as not to reduce the pressure, which has a drop in pressure does not use garlic as much as possible.

Diuretic and antiseptic for urinary tract:

Boil the barley well, and after cools, mix three cloves of garlic, mashed, and drink it on the saliva daily with a lot more then drink lemon juice and fluids, and caution gas liquids.

Eliminates the amoeba (dysentery)

A tablet is taken after cutting it daily after each meal for a week, it eliminates the amoeba, and it is advisable to drink a spoonful of olive oil after that.

For digestion, gas and colic:

Drink pear juice mixed with three cloves of garlic before bedtime daily, or at the time of colic with abdominal paint with garlic oil mixed with olive oil.

For the treatment of typhoid:

Cut five cloves of garlic and mix in hot milk local honey and drink before sleeping with the patient's back pain and sides of garlic oil mixed with olive oil, and in the morning inhale the garlic steam for five minutes.

For bed sores and gangrene:

The garlic can be crushed until it becomes like a marmalade and is applied to the wound even if it is painful. However, this prevents God from getting the gangrene that may lead to amputation of the penis. God can also cleanse the wounds by mixing the garlic in the warm water and cleaning the water. .


Cook garlic cloves like milk without swallowing for three minutes and then swallow, after each meal a day. Then, steam the boiled garlic in water for three or five minutes with caution to be exposed to cold.

For alopecia:

Take the garlic paste and knead it (as much as a teaspoon) of gunpowder until it is like the black mackerel. Then the alopecia is covered with sterile tissue so that the blood appears and then the ointment is placed on it. This process does not repeat for more than five consecutive days until the alopecia dies and the hair grows again. .

The most powerful treatment for rheumatism:

The head of garlic beats after crunching and then kneaded in honey bees with spoon soft circuit until it becomes Caldhan after mixing together, and then put on the stain on the position of rheumatism from the evening until the morning .. Once .. twice .. Completely end rheumatism, God willing.

For nerves:

He cuts off a garlic clove and swallows with hot milk with drops of amber on the saliva daily, it strengthens the nerves and calms them completely.

With regards to:

Seven cloves of garlic, then put in olive oil and heat on a low heat, and after a little bit dripping in the ear before going to sleep and then plug with a piece of cotton take off morning, and repeat this process day after day, not every day.

To eliminate the influenza virus:

Drink orange juice and lemon mashed in seven cloves of garlic, drink that juice on the stomach daily with inhalation steam boiled garlic before sleep .. After once or twice of that wonderful treatment .. will end the flu, God willing.

For colds and colds:

Swallow garlic clove after each eaters while drinking garlic juice with lemon and inhaling garlic vapor, it is wonderful in the treatment of cold diseases in general.


There is garlic in the garlic (Albin), which is anti-cancer, and therefore I recommend all cancer patients to increase the consumption of garlic and carrots constantly, and will find the patient miraculous result and healing soon God's mercy and around him and his strength, God willing.

For pertussis:

Cut garlic cloves as much as a handful of hands, and receive in water with a little salt to increase steam, and inhale the steam on the distance .. and that is before sleep to be warmed until the morning and repeated every evening for a week.

For pulmonary tuberculosis:

Every morning three cloves of garlic are taken, crushed in a piece of bread and eaten on a stomach. In the evening, garlic is inhaled as a recipe for pertussis, and it lasts for one month.


For prevention of cholera when spread (God forbid) take a tablespoon of garlic paste after mixing with honey at each eater, it is stronger and more effective than the serums, and in all cases of infectious epidemics it is useful.

To expel worms:

Three garlic pills are pounded, placed in milk and drunk without sugar before bedtime. In the morning, a cow's drink is taken and repeated from time to time. It protects the stomach from parasites.

For scabies:

Five heads of garlic are taken, chopped, then kneaded in the fat of sheep, cow or buffalo, and the place of scabies from evening to morning after a hot bath and continue to continue for a week, it purifies the body completely.

To break the stone:

Lemon juice and olive oil, a handful of parsley (chopped leaves) of each of the three, a cup of garlic, half a cup of mashed potatoes, and mixed together, a teaspoon of tea is taken daily, followed by a drink of water.

For the crust:

Then knead the head with a massage for a week. This will eliminate the crust and lead to softness of the hair. Also, note the oil with olive oil after that. the week.

To strengthen memory and general tonic:

Beat three cloves of garlic in the blender with three tomatoes and a little salt, and drink as iced juice at any time it strengthens the activity of mental and physical.

To strengthen the gums and prevent tooth loss:

Sprinkle the amount of garlic cloves and peeled the gums with the finger index finger and then boiled in boiling water with parsley to repair the smell of mouth after using with frankincense or mint.

For headaches:

A little oil of garlic is added to the place of the headache. It disappears as if it was not, while taking a split saucer in a little water, swallowing it to eliminate the causes of the headache if it is from the stomach, and then washing the head so the smell of garlic will disappear with the pain of headaches.


The egg omelet with garlic and olive oil completely eliminates dizziness and is eaten three times in three consecutive days. It is just like the usual tortillas, but only the onions with garlic with a little salt and spices.


Pain relief for teeth:

Put half a garlic clove on the place of pain, and patient patient it a little quickly pain is completely lost, God willing, if the pain in the jaw is all put the garlic clove inside the ear flank of the jaw jaw.

To build muscle and strength:

Every day a large cup of melted melon milk is taken to the saliva with a clove or cloves of chopped garlic, for a month in a row and stops for a month and then comes back, so it builds a strong body, even if its owner is old.

For atherosclerosis and blood pressure:

Garlic beats and is cast in olive oil covered in the sun for forty days, and then taken a spoon on the saliva daily for another forty days.

Prevention of Plague and AIDS:

The greatest shield is given diseases and epidemics is to strengthen God Almighty first and finally and Glory to God .. Follow the reasons and prevention .. You have garlic juice and mixing three cloves in a cup of honey a day mixed with water, with your strength to God Almighty will always be in immunity and immunity.

For eyes:

Chews the garlic paper only and then put on the eye morning and evening it heals even Ophthalmology, God Almighty .. And not only except God.

The benefits of garlic for hair

Garlic to thicken the hair

Garlic mix for treatment of hair loss:

Ingredients :

10 tablespoons olive oil.
2 tablespoons oil of the blessing seed.
10 garlic cloves well mashe


Mix the ingredients together, and place them in a closed container for two days.
When using, take a little mixture, put it on the scalp, massage until we feel the heat in the scalp, and leave it for about two hours, taking care to cover it with a hot towel.
Then wash it with warm water and a good shampoo; get rid of the smell of garlic, and apply this recipe twice a week.

Garlic blend for hair growth:

Ingredients :

Whole grain garlic.
Original olive oil.


Mix the olive oil with the garlic, put it in a closed container, leave it for ten days outside the refrigerator, and then two days inside the refrigerator, and then start using the following table:

We use the mixture as an oil bath like the previous mixture, by using it daily in the first week.
And in the second week day after day.
In the third week twice, and then once a week. You will notice the emergence of new small hair after a while.

Garlic mix to prolong hair and soften and stop the fall:

Ingredients :

Garlic peeled and cut.
Equal amounts of the following oils: (daber oil in the hope, coconut oil, olive oil, walnut oil, castor oil, watercress oil).


Put the oils with garlic - the amount suitable for the length of hair - on the fire; so protect a little.
Then put the mixture with garlic on your hair, and cover with plastic cover, for eight hours.
Then wash the hair well, take this recipe once a week, and choose a specific day, you will notice the first time increase hair loss; because the weak bulbs fall, and then the drop will gradually decrease and noticeable.

The benefits of garlic for sex

Garlic is useful for sex It is a treatment for erectile dysfunction and erectile dysfunction and strengthens sexual desire.

To strengthen sexual ability:

The garlic is taken and then crushed and then settled in olive oil on low heat until it is yellowed and then filled in a small bottle. When necessary, the urethral root is sprayed with a circular massage and not washed after one hour, with the Islamic ethics mentioned in the door of the black bean for the same purpose.

Garlic damage

With the benefits of large garlic, but there are limited damage, including:

  • Excessive intake of garlic may pose a threat to the health of AIDS patients (according to one study on garlic damage), because of its negative impact on the disruption of treatments for AIDS, despite the many benefits mentioned about garlic, which was not mentioned.

  • Garlic may be one of the causes of indigestion sometimes, and the incidence of intestinal irritation, so it is necessary not to over-intake of garlic by people with intestinal disorders, and renal insufficiency.

  • Garlic may pose a threat to the health and lives of AIDS patients, according to a new study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, because of their negative impact on some of the treatments for this serious disease.

Get rid of the smell of garlic

The smell of garlic comes out with breath from the mouth and from the skin with sweat and is useful in relieving its smell. Drink a cup of milk or chew a parsley, a bean, a hill, a carnation, a little anise, cumin, or a piece of apple.

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