Financial Visualisation Part 2: Happiness - Things that make me happy that cost money.

in #health7 years ago

Revamping my old energy to allow abundance to flow into my life.

In part 1, I spoke about the things of old that cost me and where I felt I lost out because of what I had experienced with abuse. This time, I am focusing on my happiness. Sadly, being happy costs money. It’s not that money will make me happy, no, no, it’s that doing things that make me happy right now do not bring me income and I would like to monetise those things. Also, there are things that I am truly passionate about, talented in, that bring me a sense of self-worth, accomplishment, purpose and happiness into my life that I cannot get anywhere else. Pursuing my dreams and completing projects cost money. So today I will be focusing on that.

You can follow along and get inspired for your own Financial Visualisation if you like. If you missed part one, you can find it here:

First let’s look at my Healing, my health. As I heal, I am happier. Healing the wounds from the trauma caused by the abuse from the narcissist allow me to feel better about myself, reduce painful memories (emotional flashbacks) and allow me to enter a place where I love myself. Self-love and gratitude are important. I’ve come  a long way from feeling disgusted with myself to where I am today. But I am not fully healed yet. Anxiety, Burnout, CPTSD, still torment me every day, though I have found ways to work around, through and with those illnesses and disorders. 

To heal, right now, I do EFT (Tapping Therapy) and it would be nice to be able to pay for sessions myself. I know that that would free up some budget for Frank and the house and some of the things that make him happy. We make each other happy, of course, but our passions drive us forward. Creation is what I do best. And what do I create? Videos, Fiction writing, sharing my experiences, silly things too.

All right, my projects? There are so many, so let’s look at the next couple of years only.
I have my YouTube Channel, where I do gaming things, indie film projects, and other video projects. Gaming costs are minimal, but equipment could be upgraded. 

Then there is the podcast I am beginning, where I will be sharing my experience with Abuse and what I’ve learnt, as well as talk about Healing and PTSD/CPTSD. That requires time, time that could be monetised if the right audience found me.

So far these projects are technically cost free, because I already have my equipment. But my time could be paid, I’d like that.  Video games cost money. And if I go the podcast route for the healing thing, then I will need money to have audio podcasts on iTunes, because SoundCloud costs money.

Even now, I am falling into the trap of justifying myself, and I will work on that in a later part of the Visualisation, right now my focus is what costs that makes me happy. I should not need to explain why I deserve to make money from talking theories about games so I can use that money to buy more games.  But we’ll correct those old beliefs later on.

Now, I have my Fantasy Novel series, that one’s a biggy. My editor has been covered, however the rest of the publishing process has not. And this is just for Book 1. I will need an artist for the Book Cover. I can probably manage designing my interior with an OpenSource software and my covers using Photoshop, but then there is marketing and distribution and all that stuff.  

Then, there is Book 2, and Book 3, and 4, and 5. That is the quintology. Later there will be 6,7 and 8. For the next two years, though, I want at least Book 2 published and to start the process for Book 2. That’s several thousand dollars right there.

I have a short film, Pathogen, the pigeon thing.  I still need a few thousand dollars to complete it, with audio post-prod and what not.  I don’t know if I’ll produce another film within the next two years, given the other projects that have taken precedence, but it would be nice to begin another one. I do have several scripts just waiting for me to work on them. But let’s focus on Pathogen for now.

Let’s not forget Binky Productions / Binky Ink / Green Healing, all registered under my name, for which I have to pay each year. There is my website, for the hosting, and then IMDB Pro for my film pages and my page as well.

All right, if I break it down, that’s it. So Binky expenses, which include Gaming expenses, amount to approximately $750/year. Since we’re doing this for the next couple of years, let’s do three, because I like that number, and my favourite number of five seems too far ahead.  That makes it $2250. This includes future podcasting fees. 

Pathogen will cost me at least another $3000 for all the remains to be done with it. The Fantasy novel series, Book 1 still requires perhaps $2000, though ti could be more. If I begin the process for Book 2, then that will be another $3500. My minimums amount to $8500.

The EFT for my healing work, well each session is $135, if I space it out and have one every few weeks, that could end up being 18 sessions in a year. That will cost $2430. If I continue beyond another year, even if I do less, it’s still a hefty amount every time. It’s totally worth it though, but I need to plan for that money, so let’s round it off for the next three years and say that it could cost me at least another $5000.

That makes my total $15 750.

I actually like those numbers, seeing them together like that.  Assuming that I also find the abundance to replace what I lost, then that will take care of equipment and other expenses I might be faced with *in* three years.

All right, so $15 750 to be able to freely do and continue to do what I love, what makes me happy and fills me with purpose and accomplishment and fulfillment in life.

And once again, it’s not just on paper, but out in the open, for the Universe to see and begin to put things in motion.

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