GenX poisoned drinking water.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Chemical company Chemours dumps chemicals that are known to cause cancer into the drinking water and in the air.

The Chemical FRD-903 is found in the drinking water in many cities around the chemical plant.
People who live around the plant are advised not to eat food out of their own gardens, but since the chemical company has a licence to dump their waste into the water the government tells people that it is perfectly safe because they once gave the license to the company.

FRD-903 (chemical name 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-2-(heptafluoropropoxy)propanoic acid) is a chemical compound that is used in the GenX process. It is not biodegradable and is not hydrolysed by water.[1][2]

Chemours is a spin-off of the American DuPond

What do steemians think of this?

Is the water safe to drink? Or have thousands of people been poisoned with cancer.
Do you live near a company that produces the same chemicals?
Do you know if they dump poison in your drinking water?
How do you know if it is safe or not?
How do you know if the food in the supermarket was not produced near such a plant?
What is FRD-902 and FRD-903 used for? - Tuns out to be a main ingredient for Teflon (PTFE) production.


Sad to see this article get such little attention. I appreciate the work. These chemical corps are poisoning us all. No one except them even know what the hell they are doing because everything is "proprietary". So many workers have gotten cancer and other diseases. The vast majority we never even hear about because they are paid off to keep quiet. Following you. Great content.

I am writing an article about plastic and uploading a documentary about plastic tonight.

I think i need re-steemers with a large amount of followers.

BTW plastic, do you know about the website You might want to get in touch with them, Dave did a lot of work to get a community going to clean up the mess that the industry just ignores. And enable people to monetize on it in the process.
I'm not sure if that touches on your goal but please have a look at it, maybe it inspires you. :-)

Good article, It doesn't affect me or my family because we distill our own water in my opinion water should only be hydrogen & oxygen. I have tested a lot of water for impurity in England tap water comes out with about 850 different impurities mineral water including top brands like Evian come out with over 50 different impurities.
The government have stated that they no longer add fluoride to drinking water but the thing is I have tested it & there is fluoride in it so they are either lying or are misinformed.
Most of the impurities are bad for our health in my opinion most patients in hospitals are not actually sick so much as just thirsty.

Water only as Hydrogen and Oxygen? How does that work? I mean in nature Water in a stream or well always contains 'impurities'. When filtered by the minerals that the water comes in tough with some minerals dissolve in the water as well. So pure hydrogen and oxigen seems to be missing those minerals
Now i also agree that the branded waters with their expensive impurities and additional toxins can't be the solution either.
Here in the Netherlands people still think that tap water is of the very best quality. But as above article show, that's far from the truth.
I'm in no way doing marketing for bottled water. I just want the tap water to be clean.
And the government to be more strict to polluters, punish them for these crimes and generate funding out of those unishments to actually clean up the tap water to get all the toxins out.

But our politicians are to lame to do this. Instead they give out licenses to ALLOW to dump toxins into the water. Those politicians should also be punished for handing out those licenses. They are just as criminal.

By distilling it you remove all impurity so yes it's just hydrogen & Oxygen, Water in a stream will usually be mostly rainwater so that actually scores lower in impurity than your tap water, It's why cats & dogs drink from puddles rather than choose a nice fresh bowl of tap water you have put down yards away. They know it's better water they can taste it & it does a better job of quenching their thirst. Rainwater is natures own distilled water if you collect it after it's been raining for 30 minutes it will be measured at zero impurity it takes 30 minutes of good rain to clean the air pollution. The Sun boils the rain into moisture & it falls from the clouds perfectly distilled. It's the only water with a negative charge this means electricity flows through it at a fraction of the speed it's why we use it in car battery's not just for the conductivity of the electricity but for the lifespan of the battery if you put tap water in your battery it won't live for very long.
We run on electrolytes which are basically electrons that flow round our nervous system omitting charges to our brain which is made of 90% water & this process we call thought.
Minerals are hard deposits that sit in your capillaries & joints & cause all manner of diseases.
Try a 2 week detox drinking only distilled water you will literally feel the impurity leaching from your pores in the way of an itchy rash that can last up to a few days depending on the level of impurity in your blood stream. After 2 days it just disappears & what you have done is performed dialysis on yourself. It's exactly how a dialysis machine works it cleans blood with distilled water.
Doctors ought to be shouting it from the rooftops but there isn't any commission in selling you something that falls from the sky for free. Chemotherapy on the other hand has a lovely profit margin.

Distilled water indeed seems a better option then chemo. I'm going to have a closer look at distilled water. What i learned about vortexes still has my preferences over condensed water vapor. But now i need to find more detailed info to be able to compare the two.

Chemo has about a 90% fail rate, Radiation is worse, We are holistic beings & cancer is holistic phenomena so I would recommend treating it holistically. I would drink a gallon of distilled water every day & get on the cannabis oil if I were diagnosed. If I'm wrong at least I die giggling with a full head of hair.

hehe Fruit and veg also do a lot of good

Fruit & veg are made mostly of distilled water.

I'll have to go back into my stash of water documentaries of Schauberger and Grander
There is an entire pool of knowledge out there that I forgot about

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