in #health6 years ago (edited)


No matter how many billions are spent keeping this information FROM you by the telecom companies, the truth remains, wireless technology is killing you slowly while jamming your thoughts and even breaking your DNA for generations to come; negatively affecting your life on a cellular level. No matter how much you don’t want this to be true, it IS the truth.

I do not enjoy being the messenger of this information. I get blank stares, laughs, gas-lighting, sarcasm, indifference and even anger just from speaking this simple truth. But if I help even ONE person who is open minded and caring enough to receive it, I feel my effort will not be in vain. This blog is ONLY for the small percentage of people who have done their own research, have come to the same conclusion, and want some tips to improve their health and protect their families.

I have implemented every single one of these tips in my own life to magical effect. I cured anxiety, depression, lack of energy, lack of motivation, headaches, vertigo, numbness, dread, heart palpitations, dizziness, and many other health issues by making these changes. Yes, it will be inconvenient, but not nearly as inconvenient as the list I just stated. So here we go, try all of these things or none, that is totally up to you.


I am taking the time to make this post in order to help those who are willing to help themselves, so please don’t blame the messenger because my heart is in the right place! I am electro-sensitive myself and there’s NO shame in that. People are not meant to be bombarded with this toxic radiation. I’m a 6’8” 250 pound dude and I am not embarrassed or ashamed to admit that this stuff really affects me.

But whether you are electro-sensitive or not, the science shows that on a cellular level, both subjects are affected the same way. One feels it, one doesn't. But the body is affected in the exact same way! My last name is Byrd so I’ll play the big ass canary in the coal mine; I’m fine with it as long as it helps people.

We are facing a million times more radiation than 100 years ago. This is causing more problems than people know; even re-wiring our brains and jamming our thoughts causing headaches, indecision, haze, mental fog, etc. But the good news is there are simple things you can do to help. You can’t get away from ALL the radiation, but you can cut it in half relatively easily and that can make ALL the difference!



Airplane mode is your friend; here’s a reading I took with airplane mode ON. That means no calls can be made or received but also no radiation will zap you while you sleep or have it in your pocket. So if it's not in use, try to keep it in airplane mode. Your alarm clock will still work perfectly with airplane mode on!


And here is a reading with airplane mode off. Just one cell phone almost maxes it out!


Get rid of wifi completely and go to an ethernet connection. It’s a better, faster, more stable internet connection too.

Get rid of baby monitors. I can’t stress how dangerous this is for a baby’s vulnerable brain. I seriously cannot believe how this is allowed in America or anywhere else. I mean, putting these next to a baby's head? Unreal. I have done scientific testing and meter readings using several professional quality meters and just wow. Stunningly high. Ever wonder just how kids get cancer at such a young age? Allegedly, of course.

Get rid of cordless phones, they pulse always looking for the base 24/7 which means they pulse through your body as well. It’s old, plastic, cluttery tech anyway. Get a 10 dollar phone with old school cord from Walmart and enjoy not having a headache! Yep, I'm talking old school here folks, analogue!


Get rid of your smart meter; these are the worst. Call your power company and say you’ll accept NO wireless meters. They try to convince you and pressure you into believing that this is a hoax; it is clearly not. This has been proven even in courts of law. I have PERSONALLY & successfully made them take 5 smart meters down and replace them with analogue meters for myself, my family and my friends. You'll need to sign a waver from the power company saying you’ll accept NO wireless meter of any kind. You’ll accept either analogue only (which is the absolute best) or a digital meter that travels through the wires (and not wireless of any kind).

They are trying to re-name "Smart Meters" because so many people became aware of this danger, so they have changed the names of the meters and tried to bury relevant information. It should be a red flag that a POWER COMPANY is acting like a used car salesman trying to get you to accept these toxic meters. So just say you'll accept NO wireless meter of any kind and if you have one on your home already (fairly likely) tell them you want it removed and replaced with an analogue only or wired digital version. Those are the only two options you'll accept.

Get rid of any wearables. Proximity is everything. The closer the device is, the exponentially greater the radiation becomes. The further away it is, the healthier it is for you. I am good friends with Josh Del Sol at the In Power Movement who has done an award winning documentary about smart meters and the smart grid as a whole and he has used my music in his films (which I let him use for free due to the incredible importance of this issue for the health of humanity) Here is the promo poster:


You can watch the movie which I HIGHLY recommend! And you can even get in touch with Josh personally and tell him I sent ya! He will help you step by step. They even have legal documents and lawyers helping out folks. They are BUSY though, so be patient if you can. GREAT guys though! I know several of them personally.

Get rid of wireless headphones, speakers, mouse. They don’t work as well, and they are radiating you while listening to music, directly attached to your skull; not good. I know, I know, they are cool. They look awesome and they sound great. But how does that compare with brain cancer? It doesn’t even come close. I’m saying this out of love not fear. I realize however how much this message might cause anxiety and that is NOT intentional. I promise. Here is a picture of a brain before and after a 10 minute cell phone call after holding it up to his ear.


Get rid of all wireless devices like bluetooth; as much as you are willing to do. People who are aware of their body and sensitive to energy will immediately feel the difference!

Turn off settings on your computer or internet modem. Even if you get ethernet, your computer will still be searching to pair other tech if you don’t turn off bluetooth, wifi etc.

Get rid of iPads and other Tablets or Laptops; this is true ESPECIALLY for kids! And wireless video game controllers and consoles? Yep, you guessed it. Try retro gaming with old school, wired controllers or home computer gaming with an ethernet connection instead. This is literally the cause of ADD symptoms folks. So instead of medicating your kid with MORE toxic, mind altering drugs, try removing all the wireless, microwave radiation for a week and see if the symptoms are reduced or totally cured!

Get Orgonite or even raw crystals to help reduce the effects that you cannot control. Here is some of my Handcrafted Mysterium Orgonite that I made myself:




You can check it out and purchase them here:

Get away from Cell Towers or rooftop mini cell transceivers and never let 5G close to you. Get your child out of a school that has cell towers on the roof or nearby or wifi. It sounds severe but in reality it’s just a common sense reaction to protect the health of your children. It’s the allowance of this tech with no real restrictions that is insane, the reaction that comes after to protect your family is totally sane.

Wireless expert and physicist Dr. Barrie Trower says that wifi is weaponized and essentially a military grade frequency weapon. He was in charge of wireless weapons for the Royal Navy before becoming a whistle blower and a Royal Pain in their Ass! Whenever I say "do this" or "get rid of this" it is only a suggestion. Sorry to seem bossy, just trying to get a TON of information packed into this here blog entry! Forgive my direct language.

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Talk to any neighbors that are receptive about getting rid of their smart meters to help clear up the whole neighborhood. It’s good for them and it’s better for your family as well.

Get rid of your microwave or any other device that uses microwave radiation or wireless RF. Microwaves were invented by the Nazis and banned by the Russians. They ruin the quality and nutritional value of food and they leak microwave radiation as they get older.

Just a suggestion: NEVER let 5G come to your neighborhood. This is a weaponized surveillance system and the millimeter wave is the deadliest tech yet. Full spectrum control. This IS Big Brother and The New World Order. Check out Max Igan's Steemit Blog for more information on 5G. If you see it go up, I suggest you threaten a law suit not just aimed at the power company but the manager you are speaking to on the phone!

If you are in the pacific NW and you’d like me to come to your home with my RF and EMF meters to show you the troubled areas of your home and give you a two hour consultation, and you’re between Seattle Washington and Corvallis Oregon, I can come to your house with my gear, some free orgonite and show you in person what we need to do to clear the energy of your home. just contact me via my website here:


I’m sorry if your significant other hates these ideas, or if your child gets mad at you or if you are bummed out that these days health requires vigilance. It IS an inconvenience. I get it! But I’m only trying to protect you and your loved ones. I have put about 500 hours of research, scientific and anecdotal. I am not an expert, but I AM on the right side of the truth and the right side of history when it comes to this issue of tech vs. safety.

Even Israel and The Netherlands have banned much of this technology and other countries are realizing the toxic effect on human health of this dazzling & shiny new tech. I have made several documentaries on the issue which you can see below. Thank you for your time and I truly hope at least one of my suggestions helped!

I am absolutely certain these tips will, at the very least, help. Much love and visualize peace.


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