Health: Food should and should not be eaten to protect your teeth

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Dental health protection is also a general health protection. Besides dental hygiene in the right way, reasonable dining also has dental protective effects. Here are the food you should and should not eat if you want healthy teeth:

  1. The food should avoid

Confectionery, sweets, Long Way

Because the candy is sticky and sticking to the surface of the teeth and also takes a long time to melt, it is very harmful. Hard candy will probably hurt teeth when biting them.

Acidic food

Many people believe that the lemon hydrated is the medicinal post to whiten teeth. Actually this is very harmful for teeth. After eating oranges, lemons, tomatoes and grapes, the teeth should be thoroughly washed.

Chew Tablets

There are a number of vitamin-form chewing tablets containing the harmful acids to the teeth as they attach to the teeth. Even beverage health and vitamins form water is also not good for dental health.

Foods rich in starch

We tend to eat a variety of starch dishes without knowing the internal harm. Chips, white bread, pizzas, pasta and burgers can easily be reached among the teeth. These starch is not sweetened like sugar but the starch in these foods converts into the way almost immediately because the process of the digestive money starts from the mouth. This pathway is harmful and causes the enamel to lose calcium.

Freshwater, sports drinks

Drinks are sweetened as soft drinks, specially harmful sports beverages for teeth if used frequently, especially children. Besides containing multiple lines, most of these juices contain phosphoric and citric acid-corrosive enamel.

Sipping an ongoing drink for more than ever increasing harm should be best if drinking should be taken all the time.

Tea water is a kind of sugar-resistant beverage and milk that has a positive effect on the teeth due to anti-cancer properties and helps prevent cavities. But the iced teas also contain organic acids that increase flavors that can also corrosion the enamel.

Dried fruits

In between meals, you usually eat dried fruits instead of processed berries that do not know that dried fruits can cause harm to the teeth because of the sugar concentration and cling to the teeth. Raisins, dried plums, are susceptible to sticking to their teeth and sugar in them to trigger bacteria in the mouth and to erode the enamel. The dried fruit contains insoluble cellulose fiber which can stick the sugar on and around the teeth, damaging the teeth.

However, eating fresh fruits is not harmful because although they also contain sugars, they are not sticky on teeth and saliva can cleanse.

Wine and wine

Saliva in the mouth helps to rinse the food debris and protects against acidic foods, so when alcohol inhibits the saliva, it can be harmful to the teeth, resulting in gum disease and even oral cancer. If excessive drinking, the acidic ingredient in the wine causes the enamel to be porous and colored.

  1. The food should eat


You should be mouthwash with water after each meal/drink (hot/cold drinks).

Dairy products

Milk, freezing milk, and many other dairy products have vitamins and essential minerals, replenishing the amount of calcium necessary for the health of the teeth.

Fruits and Vegetables

These foods rich in fiber can make your teeth clean. Fresh vegetables and fruits, including cucumbers, watermelon, cucumbers, apples, pear have the water content of the fructose.

Types of hard-shell particles

Vitamins, minerals, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc and other nutrients are in the nuts that have hardened shells such as almonds, walnuts, cashew nuts and peanuts very well for your teeth.

Green Tea

A cup of green tea with polyphenols helps to inhibit bacteria and can resist tooth decay and plaque. Coffee and cocoa are also beneficial.

The note to remember is not brushing the teeth immediately after drinking or eating acidic foods, carbonate beverages, if your teeth will be worn faster. Mouthwash with clean water, wait about ½ hours to let the natural saliva do its work then new brushing.


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