The Season of Gluttony?

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Throughout the holidays...

...People tend to consume A LOT. I think from Halloween to New Years we could call it the Season of Gluttony at this point. It's already known that humans are consuming much more than ever before, and the holidays are no exception. Today an interesting article was published with some shocking findings. The article stated:

According to the survey of 2,000 adults, which was commissioned by Herbalife Nutrition, 45 percent of respondents plan on holding off from plans to eat healthier or lose weight until 2019. In fact, the average American will put on an extra six pounds from chowing down on holiday food. Conversely, the study found just 12 percent will get past the holidays avoiding weight gain.

With so many choices on the table, it’s no wonder that 44 percent of respondents admit to eating more than one Thanksgiving dinner in the same day — with three in 10 indulging themselves so much they feel sick to their stomachs. Understandably, four in 10 say they’ve eaten so much, they find themselves undoing a button on their pants for some extra belly space.


It is easy to overeat when there is enough food to feed an army, there's no doubt about that. Psychologically, it's an interesting concept I think. It's not just the main meals where people seem to be overeating, it's also all the leftovers and sweets that seem to get people to eat more than usual. The article stated:

Still, the temptation to enjoy holiday meals — and all the leftovers that stick around in our refrigerators — leads the average American to overeat on 13 days between Thanksgiving and the New Year. Eight in 10 find themselves eating more sweets during the holiday season.


It seems the traditions of holidays have helped make people feel sicker and gain more weight which leads to a slew of other issues and diseases. Don't get me wrong, I love a good family meal with special treats that are only enjoyed once in a while, but I think it should be a good thing to contemplate and meditate on that it should really be done in moderation and perhaps incorporating some healthier dishes might be a way to help your family in the long run. It's no wonder so many people attempt to use weight loss as their New Year's Resolution goal. According to the article:

Despite all the eating, half of the respondents don’t plan on exercising regularly until the start of the new year to help offset all the weight gain. Even so, 54 percent think they’ll successfully stick to their plans to be healthier in 2019. A third of respondents have already decided on their New Year’s resolutions for 2019. Leading the way is exercising more (71 percent), eating healthier (71 percent), focusing on self-care (55 percent), saving more money (54 percent), and learning a new skill or hobby (38 percent).

Nevertheless, if you make a goal to get healthier after the holidays, I wish you success! Otherwise, perhaps it's time to think about incorporating some healthier dishes and perhaps cutting down on the amounts so you don't have to worry about gaining 6lbs or aiding in promoting an unhealthy temple, your body, which God has given you to look after. Be well.

Note: All images not cited are my own or created by me.

Be well!

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I'm surprised it's only 6lbs!!! I myself know I could probably eat an entire pizza parlor empty on my own and I'm probably only exaggerating a little on that. I've been kicked out of an all you can eat buffet for eating too much before. Good food is something I just have a hard time not devouring. Growing up in America and seeing how other places eat, it's clear they promote the unhealthy, feed your family until they can't move agenda to stuff their industry based pockets with cash. Pretty sad...

It's all about that profit, unfortunately.

It is unfortunate

I just ate 1 plate this holiday, I couldn't eat anymore!

I can only imagine how long it takes your body to process all that food after Thanksgiving.

Tis that season alright. Sadly it has lost its true meaning.
Interesting stats. I wonder how many stay true to their Resolution.

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