Magical weapon: DANDELION ROOT powder

in #health7 years ago (edited)


I wanted to share my expierence with this magical, 100% natural-homemade weapon - dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale) powder.

I've been using it for 2 weeks and i feel much more better, full of energy and my skin looks better (less blackheads and skin color is much more healthier) .

In Latvia this incredible plant is an annoying plant/gardening weed but it has a medical use too.

Dandelion is a diuretic plant which means that eating it every single day, you need to count on that there will be an extra need to go to wc - this is the reason why you need to eat it in the morning, not in the evening - i believe you don't want to wake up at night and go to wc every hour :D

Dandelion root is a good replacement for coffee.

Dandelion root contains:

  1. potassium (K) - increases urine production in the kidneys, promotes their excretion, reduces the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, water and salt trapping;
  2. inulin, bitters, flavonoids, saponins, vitamin A in carotene, carotenoids, vitamin group B, C, E; Fe, selenium (Se), iodine (I), Mn;
  3. Zn - Helps maintain provitamin A;
  4. copper (Cu) - Contributes to the absorption of Zn required for eye tissue;
  5. lots of antioxidants, including lutein - are needed for vision, which is the main retina pigment, for visual acuity. (Lutein is also found in marigolds, cornflowers, blueberries, lilies).

What does a dandelion root do?

  • Contains anti-microbial substances that helps wounds to heal faster.
  • Reduces cholesterol deposition in the blood vessels.
  • Stimulates digestion, even if it has constipation, softens the stomach outlet.
  • The condition of the skin (acne, eczema) improves.
  • Metabolism improves, even in diabetes.
  • Ensures the development of cancer and metastases.
  • Promotes milk secretion.
  • Bone and joint diseases, arthritis, gout, rheumatism, osteochondrosis.
  • Stimulates hemoglobin synthesis, for anemia.
  • For blood purification.
  • For low blood pressure.
  • For gastritis, liver and spleen problems (NOT in blockage of the bile duct because it could cause a jaundice).


How do I use this dandelion root powder? It's simple:
1 tsp in the morning - after eating it you can drink a glass of water or if you don't like the taste of this powder, mix it with some yoghurt or favorite juice. Those 80 grams are for a month if you take it every single morning.

*All information (and powder too is her product) is taken from my mom's notes in latvian. She's a specialist of medical herbs for 10 years.

I hope you enjoyed and found out something new!

*first picture from somewhere in google, second - mine.

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