Fluoride in small doses is OK for y... FALSE!!! No Poison is Good for You in Any Amount!! Here is my last Report on This As Well.

in #health6 years ago

This meme is medically accurate.

I run a weekly series on the matter.........

My Last Episode is Here on this Topic

Thanks for Reading. Have a Nice Day.


This is something so many don't get.. it is the one thing my stupid mayor is doing right by taking it out

love fluoride.

Where we live, in White County, Tennessee, our community only started putting in fluoride relatively recently, within the past ten years, because a local dentist told them they should, in order to "prevent cavities" in the population.

So, knowing a fair amount about both dentistry and fluoride, I can extrapolate a couple of things from this.

  1. The local dentist is an idiot, because the ONLY way fluoride helps to prevent cavities is if it is applied TOPICALLY, by your local dentist.

So, he is cutting into his own potential profit, by not having actually learned this bit of information correctly.

Not to mention that by drinking fluoridated water, not only are your teeth damaged, but so are your bones, and IQs are measurably lowered, especially in children.

  1. Fluoride comes in a barrel marked with a skull and crossbones. And they are PAYING for it, and CHARGING US to add it to our water supply, to help us?

With a frigging skull and crossbones on the side???

  1. The "fluoride" currently being being put into our water isn't even sodium fluoride, but is instead a chemical cocktail left over from mining phosphate; which, unless it is sold to us to add to our water, would have to be disposed of, at great expense, as industrial waste.

Still think it's a great idea?

Is there any wonder that this stuff is lowering the IQs of children who grow up drinking it?

And yes, I realize I am preaching to the choir. This practice should have been banned decades ago, but our government is far too busy taking kickbacks from people intent on poisoning us all for profit to actually DO THEIR FRIGGING JOBS.

Which RO filters would you recommend? And drinking glass bottles to take out and about daily?

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