Cycling Hobby Can Trigger Erectile Dysfunction!

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Aside from being a sport, cycling has now become a lifestyle for many people. There are regularly cycling on the weekend as a refreshing event, some even use it as a means of transportation to reach the workplace every day. Cycling is very fun to do, unfortunately, there is a concern that cycling can also have adverse effects on health, especially for men's vital organs.

In one study, those who cycled several times a week were still considered safe and would not experience erectile dysfunction problems. However, for men who use their bicycles every day, a hard bicycle saddle can trigger erectile dysfunction problems in the vital organs.

Health expert Azad Joh Salimi, a doctor from Portland, Oregon, said that cycling by riding a hard saddle for too long can trigger chronic and numbing pain that culminates in sexual dysfunction. The pressure of the body upon climbing this hard saddle compresses the pudental nerves and can trigger a nerve injury.

Interestingly, this risk was not found in those who use motorcycles every day. This is caused by motorcycle seats that tend to be wider and so comfortable to use.

So, what can be done by bicycle users to not easily experience health problems on vital organs? Azad recommends the use of special bearings on bicycle seat that can protect the groin area, especially the nerve, better. In addition, use a saddle that has a slit to accommodate the position of the male testis so that the pressure on the male vital organs when climbed is not too large.


what can be done by bicycle users to not easily experience health problems on vital organs? Azad recommends the use of special bearings on bicycle seat that can protect the groin area, especially the nerve, better. In addition, use a saddle that has a slit to accommodate the position of the male testis so that the pressure on the male vital

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