How can anyone determine the sex of a child even before the child is born?

in #health6 years ago (edited)

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I'm not sure whether this question is a sarcastic question or a normal question. But I will still try to answer the question. 

Yes it is definitely possible to determine the sex of a child before the child is born. In olden days it was not easier to identify the sex of the child before it was born. There were lots of traditional methods which we can still see in village areas to determine the sex of the child It is also believed that with certain methods it is even possible to change the sex of the child during the early days. Based on our wish we will be able to get a child. Though it is not completely under out control, the traditional methods have also been working for some people. It could even be a coincidence. 

Today determining the sex is very easy 

Today with all the technology we have with us, it is quite simple to find the sex of the child before it is born with the help of a scan. With a proper scan we will be able to easily identify the sex of the child by looking at the sex organs of the child. The one and only way to check the sex of a child is by looking at the sex organs. Some doctors even say other symptoms as well on how a mother will feel when it is a boy child and how it will be different when it is girl child. My sister is currently pregnant and I get to know a lot about all these things. 

It is an offence in India

In India, determining the sex of a child before the child is born is an offence. We have a strict rule in place where we are not supposed to know what child it is before it is born. In most of the foreign countries there is no such rule. If there are facilities available to scan and identify, people go for it. But in India, even though we have lots of facilities to determine the sex of a child, we are not allowed to do that. 

The main reason for this strict rule is because during the late 80 and 90s, girl children were killed by the grandmothers in village areas. It was during the high poverty and drought time where it was quite challenging to grow a girl child to that of growing a boy child. If the child is boy, the family will have lots of sophistication where they used to ask lots of dowries.  They don't really have to worry about doing the marriage. If it was girl child, during marriage the girl's parents will have to spend lots of money. 

After seeing all these social issues, the Government of India passed a strict rule that before the child is born, the sex of the child should not be determined.  Though the people in the society are now with broad mind and have changed a lot, the government still retains the strict law in all the places. A doctor who discloses the sex of the child with the parents by breaking the rule will have their licence cancelled and along with that there will be severe punishments. People in India are used to wait 10 months with the suspense to know which child it is. 

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