You cannot fly with the eagles if you continue to scratch with the turkeys

in #health6 years ago

You cannot fly with the eagles if you continue to scratch with the turkeys

Before we begin, what excuses are you
If you decide to read the whole book,
what excuses are you going to make for
not using the information that you are
going to learn? I know you don’t know
what you will be learning, but you have
those excuses all lined up, don’t you?
Take time to really think about your
excuses and write them down.
These are the same excuses that you use
every time to stop yourself from learning
anything new. You can have success or
excuses, but you can’t have them both.
People that learn quickly only focus on
the information and skills that matter –
excuses don’t matter, and they are
thought viruses.
The only things that are keeping you
from getting what you want in your life
are the excuses you keep telling yourself.
Who would you be without your
excuses? Think about it.
Every excuse you accept makes you
weaker. Excuses stop you from
concentrating and paying attention. When
you excuse yourself from lea
something new, you block your focus and
your energy. Always remember that
where your attention goes, your
energy flows.
Some of the most common excuses that
people use to give away their power

    I’m not smart enough.
    It’s not my nature.
    I don’t have the time to practise the
    information (time is always there; you
    just need to schedule it.)
    I don’t have the right genes to have a
    good memory (how do you really know
    I am getting older; I can’t do anything
    about my memory.
    You can’t teach old dogs new
    My parents always said that I was
    I need support to develop these skills.
    It is the book’s fault; I need to
    experience it in a seminar.
    It is impossible to have a negative
    emotion without blaming someone or
    something. Free your mind. You always
    have two choices with your life and
    experience: you can either learn from it
    or you can place blame. The choice is
    always yours.
    There is just too much to learn.
    I have to change my thinking.
    The book requires me to do too much.
    It will be difficult.
    We excuse ourselves into living
    mediocre lives. We explain why we
    can’t do this or that; we excuse
    ourselves from taking responsibility.
    Decide now to stop giving away your
    power to your excuses.
    Are your excuses true? Are you 100%
    certain that they are true? Do any of your
    excuses really enhance and empower
    your life? You are more than your
    excuses, aren’t you?
    Drop them now!
    Richard Bach said, “Argue for your
    limitations and, sure enough, they’re
    yours.” The only cause for not doing
    something with the information in this
    book is you; nobody else but you. You
    are responsible for your learning. The
    person that has the most to do with what
    happens to you is you! If you believe
    your limits, your life will be very
    Improving your memory and
    concentration is not only about what you
    need to do more of; it is also about what
    you need to do less of. It is amazing how
    quickly you can learn a new skill when
    you decide to let go of your excuses,
    judgments, and complaints. If you
    consistently change your approach and
    increase your desire to learn this
    information, you will master it.
  4. If you continue to hold on to your
    excuses, what would your life be like
    five years from now?
  5. Who would you be without your
    excuses? Enter all learning with this new
  6. Remember they are just excuses. It is
    not the truth. Change them now.
  7. What is more important to you:
    excusing yourself from experiencing
    your potential or being the best that you
    can be?
  8. Why is it important for you to learn to
    empower your memory? Think about it
    and write down as many reasons as you
    can to create a big WHY. As Darren
    Hardy says, “We need why power not

“The mind is the limit. As long as the
mind can envision the fact that you can
do something, you can do it – as long
as you believe 100 percent.”
~ Arnold Schwarzenegger
There was once a fish that lived in a
pond. One day, he met anothe
thought the sea fish was a liar.
What can we learn from this?
Your beliefs of what your concentration
and memory can do may be your own
limited version of the truth. Many people
never get a taste of their true potential
because they have decided to entertain
only a limited view of what they can do.
What if your negative beliefs about your
concentration, your memory, and your
potential were not true at all? Who
would you be without these beliefs?
Richard Bandler said, “Beliefs aren’t
about truth. Beliefs are about
believing. They are guides for our
behavior.” We always defend what we
believe. If you believe you have a bad
memory, you will always act and think in
accordance with that belief. Where your
attention goes, your energy flows.
If you want to improve your memory and
concentration, you need to create a
belief system that supports them.
Imagine there is an Earth 1 and an
Earth 2. The planets are the same in
every way, but... they are in different
On Earth 1 lives Mr. A and on Earth 2
lives Mr. B.
They look the same,they speak the same
way, they live in the same environment,
they have the same education, and they
even have the same brain and nervous
system. Everything is the same. There is
only one thing that separates them.
Mr. A believes that he has a terrible
memory. He always tells people:
“My attention is all over the place; it is
like a kangaroo hopping around my
“I’m always forgetting things.”
“I’m terrible with names.”
“My memory is getting worse every
“My memory is full.”
“My memory is like a sieve.”
“I’m stupid.”
“Your brain will fill up – so don’t learn
too much!”
He hates learning. He is not interested in
remembering because he thinks he will
Mr. B believes he has a wonderful
memory; in fact, an exceptional memory.
He always says:
“I choose to focus my attention; it is like
a laser beam.”
“Memory improvement is important.”
“Look how much I remember: I have
quadrillions of memories stored in my
“My memory is getting better and better
every day.”
“I’m interested in remembering names.”
“I’m brilliant.”
“My memory has the ability to store and
recall mountains of information. It is the
only container with this characteristic:
the more I put into it, the more it will
He loves learning. He wants to
remember and train his mind.
Now, who do you think will have the
better memory? Of course: Mr. B.
The only difference between Mr. A and
Mr. B is their beliefs. Whose beliefs do
you think are right?
The answer is that they are both right. It
is only our thinking that makes things
right or wrong. Mr. A and Mr. B both
have beliefs, and they both have
experiences or thoughts to back it up.
The only difference is that Mr. A’s focus
is negative and disempowering. He sets
himself up to fail.
Mr. B’s focus is positive and
empowering. He sets himself up for
success. Both Mr. A and Mr. B choose
their own beliefs. It isn’t an outside
influence that determines their outcome.
We all have the freedom to choose what
we focus on and in the end, it will
determine the beliefs we carry around
with us.
A belief is a sense of being certain and
what you believe, you become.
Negative beliefs and thoughts place a
block on your concentration and
memory. Unless you decide to take
responsibility and change the thoughts
that you are constantly feeding yourself,
you will not be able to break through
your negative conditioning. Every single
thought we have is creative: it has the
power to build and the power to destroy.
Most people don’t realize that when they
use doubtful phrases they are setting
standards for themselves. These
standards become expectations and in
the end will become self-fulfilling
Here is an example of what happens
with a negative belief frame:
Your mind will loop and prevent you
from learning anything new. Your beliefs
either move you or stop you. In brief,
every thought and every word works for
you or against you, and every thought
that you confirm to be true multiplies and
becomes a belief. When you change a
belief you change a mental construction
and, therefore, your life. In other words,
we believe what we have been taught to
believe, and we don’t question beliefs
because we don’t want to question the
source. Begin to ask yourself, “Who will
I be doubting by changing my beliefs
about my mind, concentration, and
memory and why do I think this is true?”
People tend to think that their beliefs are
absolutely true, but these beliefs are only
true for them. Just because you can’t do
something well doesn’t mean it is
impossible. Identify your self-limiting
beliefs and then ask, “What if they were
not true at all?” and remember the limits
in your belief system will always stop
you from seeing any alternatives that

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